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  • Полная версия сайта — по-белорусски Рекомендации по безопасности коллег

    Конкурс на поддержку серии видео и аудио, чтобы дать возможность белорусам, украинцам и россиянам рассказать свои истории (заявки до 7 августа)

    Целью этого специального конкурса является поддержка производства серии видео и аудио, чтобы дать возможность белорусам, украинцам и россиянам рассказать свои истории.

    Nordic Council of Ministers

    Deadline Sun, 07/08/2022 — 11:59 PM

    Orga­ni­za­tions Nordic Coun­cil of Min­is­ters,  Nordic Coun­cil of Min­is­ters’ Baltic offices


    For more than 25 years, the Nordic Coun­cil of Min­is­ters has sup­port­ed joint activ­i­ties with Esto­nia, Latvia, Lithua­nia, North­west Rus­sia, Belarus and the five Nordic coun­tries: Den­mark, Fin­land, Ice­land, Nor­way, Swe­den, as well as self-gov­ern­ing regions of Faroe Islands, Green­land, the Åland Islands. The co-oper­a­tion had the aim to con­tribute to build­ing trust, mutu­al under­stand­ing and pros­per­ous devel­op­ment shared on com­mon val­ues between the coun­tries in the region.

    These struc­tures of coop­er­a­tion dras­ti­cal­ly changed by the Russ­ian inva­sion of Ukraine in Feb­ru­ary 2022. The NCM coop­er­a­tion with Rus­sia can­not con­tin­ue as before and will rely only on activ­i­ties out­side the Russ­ian ter­ri­to­ry and with part­ners with rela­tion to Rus­sia who are not affil­i­at­ed with Russ­ian author­i­ties, includ­ing pub­lic uni­ver­si­ties.

    A bet­ter future needs to be built by cre­at­ing a com­mon nar­ra­tive of peace and respect. As the offi­cial chan­nels are closed for now, the bridges of under­stand­ing and con­nec­tion must be kept on peo­ple-to-peo­ple lev­el. There is a need to com­mu­ni­cate to the peo­ple of the Nordics and Baltics about the sit­u­a­tion for and the points of view of the peo­ple from Rus­sia, Ukraine and Belarus now liv­ing in these coun­tries.

    The Nordic Coun­cil of Min­is­ters expects to sup­port the pro­duc­tion of a series of videos and audios to pro­vide a plat­form for Russ­ian, Ukrain­ian and Belaru­sian peo­ple to tell their sto­ries.

    Overall aim

    To cre­ate new ways of under­stand­ing Ukraine, Belarus, Rus­sia and the Baltics in rela­tion to the Nordics by pro­vid­ing a plat­form for peo­ple to tell their sto­ries — where they come from, why they came to the Nordics, what brings them togeth­er, what unites us all, etc.

    Apart from improved under­stand­ing the NCM infor­ma­tion ini­tia­tive should also con­tribute to the future of the Nordic region that is a green, com­pet­i­tive, and social­ly sus­tain­able macro-region as well as a safe and sta­ble grounds for the under­stand­ing and peace for the rest of the world.

    Ideas for the envisaged output of the information initiative

    1. A series of video talks

    An Eng­lish-lan­guage series of 5 episodes of approx­i­mate­ly 30 min­utes I sug­gest­ed to cre­ate a pic­ture of a seg­ment of Russ­ian-speak­ing pop­u­la­tion in the Nordics and Baltics. It shall con­tribute to a bet­ter under­stand­ing of this seg­ment of the pop­u­la­tion, pri­mar­i­ly direct­ed to the inter­est­ed audi­ence of the Nordic and Baltic coun­tries. The idea is to set up cul­tur­al and per­son­al land­marks for under­stand­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tion with groups in the coun­tries of Belarus, Rus­sia and Ukraine for the future.

    Kind­ly sug­gest the­mat­ics to be cov­ered and cat­e­gories of per­sons to be include in the series of videos.


    2. A series of Spe­cial Edi­tion pod­casts under the “Nordic Talks”

    Each audio pod­cast is a 30-min talk record­ed in Eng­lish in a form of a pod­cast under the “Nordic Talks” brand. As pre­sen­ta­tion form and con­tent wise woud slight­ly dif­fer from the main­stream “Nordic Talks” type of pod­casts. Three Eng­lish lan­guage pod­casts under the “Spe­cial Edi­tion” head­line are envis­aged. For instance, two rep­re­sen­ta­tives of cur­rent­ly con­flict­ed nations could be invit­ed to meet for a mod­er­at­ed talk in a stu­dio.

    Kind­ly sug­gest the­mat­ics to be cov­ered and cat­e­gories of per­sons to be include in the pod­cast.



    3. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion

    Series of videos

    The videos should be host­ed at the NCM serv­er or sim­i­lar.

    Series of audio pod­casts

    The tar­get groups for the pod­cast series are first and fore­most the inter­est­ed pub­lic in the Nordic and Baltic coun­tries, sec­ond­ly the seg­ments of the pop­u­la­tions with spe­cif­ic con­nec­tion to Ukraine, Rus­sia and Belarus and third­ly pol­i­cy mak­ers, work­ing with this area.

    Dis­tri­b­u­tion of the audio pod­casts shall be linked to the Nordic Talks plat­form as a sep­a­rate series in the for­mat of spe­cial edi­tion ded­i­cat­ed to the urgency of the present-day sit­u­a­tion.

    In gen­er­al

    Dis­sem­i­na­tion can be car­ried out through sev­er­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels in the Nordic and Baltic region

    Kind­ly sug­gest ways, media, events and plat­forms etc. for dis­sem­i­na­tion of the videos and pod­casts.


    Apply for funds

    Dead­line for sub­mis­sion of appli­ca­tion: 7 August 2022 at 23.59 Dan­ish time

    Project start: Sep­tem­ber 2022.

    Project end: Novem­ber 2023


    Appli­ca­tions should be send to julost@norden.org

    Kind­ly fill in the Project-descrip­tion-form and the bud­get forms

    Project descrip­tion and bud­get forms

    Read more about fund­ing from the Nordic Coun­cil of Min­is­ters

    In the bud­get form’s file 2, please spec­i­fy cost for each of the three com­po­nents. The total bud­get max­i­mum is 1,0 MDKK.

    In the Project descrip­tion form or as a sep­a­rate annex, kind­ly:

    1. Describe method­ol­o­gy and sketch time frame for each of the three com­po­nents

    2. Sug­gest work­ing titles for the two series of infor­ma­tion

    3. Give ref­er­ences to pre­vi­ous­ly accom­plished sim­i­lar type of work

    4. Describe need for input from the NCM Sec­re­tari­at and sug­gest modes of inter­ac­tion

    5. Indi­cate staff mem­bers and pos­si­ble part­ners involved; include sum­ma­ry CVs

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    В Telegram есть функция, которая позволит сохранять личные переписки при удалении аккаунта. Как ей пользоваться

    Беларусские силовики продолжают искать и задерживать людей, которые оставляли комментарии в политических телеграм-чатах или ботах. Часто лучший выход для сохранения своей безопасности — удалить аккаунт в мессенджере. Но что делать, если не хочешь потерять личные переписки, фото и видео? «Зеркало» рассказывает, как можно сохранить эти данные.

    Репрессии выходят на новый технологический уровень. Силовики сами заходят в Telegram беларусов

    Силовики в Беларуси придумали еще один способ находить жертв для репрессий. Читатели «Белсата» сообщают, что милиция вызывает людей якобы для разговора, а там, уточнив номер телефона и паспорта, сообщают, что им уже известно о подписках на каналы, которые власти признали экстремистскими. Узнали, как это может происходить и как обезопасить себя.
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