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    OWM Global Reporting Summit 2021 (12–13 October)

    One World Media’s annual global reporting summit returns, bringing the international journalism community together to explore the most pressing challenges and solutions facing our industry.

    Join us as experts all over the world take a deep dive into the realities of reporting on the most crucial and long-running stories of a generation – the climate, covid and refugee crisis – all against the backdrop of increasing threats to press freedom.

    The entire two-day event will be available online, and a select number of ticket holders will also be able to attend the second day’s sessions in person at the Frontline Club in London.


    DAY ONE • Tues­day, 12 Octo­ber (Online)

    The Age of Adap­ta­tion: How inter­na­tion­al news­rooms have piv­ot­ed to face the pan­dem­ic | 11:00 – 12:00 (UTC+1)

    News­rooms from across the world will dis­cuss how the pan­dem­ic has impact­ed their report­ing. We’ll hear insights into the new and improved prac­tices that have emerged from neces­si­ty and how they con­tin­ue to report on long-run­ning sto­ries like the cli­mate, covid and refugee cri­sis.


    • Vic­to­ria Bridges — Act­ing Direc­tor, One World Media (chair)

    • Irv­ing Huer­ta — Inves­tiga­tive Jour­nal­ist, Con­nec­tas

    • Wale Law­al — Edi­tor-in-Chief, The Repub­lic

    • Tim Sin­gle­ton — Head of Inter­na­tion­al News, Sky News


    Who Gets To Tell The Sto­ry? | 13:00 – 14:00 (UTC+1)

    Sto­ries shape our world, so it mat­ters how they’re told. Join us for three exclu­sive keynotes from our spe­cial guest speak­ers, each explor­ing the pow­er of per­spec­tive:

    • The End of the For­eign Cor­re­spon­dent? - Heba Aly, The New Human­i­tar­i­an - In the last year, many media organ­i­sa­tions have been try­ing to improve racial jus­tice and rep­re­sen­ta­tion with­in their news­rooms. But what does that look like on the glob­al scale? How does inter­na­tion­al jour­nal­ism chal­lenge the pow­er struc­tures embed­ded in the pro­duc­tion of news? In this keynote, Heba Aly, CEO at The New Human­i­tar­i­an will share her vision of how media out­lets can decolonise their cov­er­age of the glob­al south.

    • Activism vs. Jour­nal­ism — Muna & Mohamed Alkurd, Mid­dle East Eye — Out­spo­ken Pales­tin­ian sib­lings, Muna & Mohamed Alkurd will explore the dif­fer­ences (and sim­i­lar­i­ties) between their work as both activists and jour­nal­ists. They will dis­cuss the risks tak­en by those report­ing on the ground and how inter­na­tion­al media plat­forms can work to bet­ter pro­tect them.

    • How influ­en­tial is media in defin­ing Africa’s sto­ry? — Moky Maku­ra, Africa No Fil­ter — The Economist’s fre­quent­ly cit­ed; ‘Africa the hope­less con­ti­nent’ cov­er of 2000 was a pow­er­ful tes­ta­ment to the influ­ence of media in shap­ing opin­ions about the con­ti­nent. But have per­cep­tions changed since then? And what is the media’s role in retelling the sto­ry?


    Pod­cast Pro­duc­tion Mas­ter­class: Peo­ple Fix­ing The World | 14:30 – 15:30 (UTC+1)

    The BBC’s Peo­ple Fix­ing The World pod­cast team will take us behind the scenes of this award-win­ning series. From sea­weed farm­ers fight­ing the cli­mate cri­sis in Zanz­ibar to the sci­en­tists pre­vent­ing dengue fever in Colom­bia, we’ll hear what makes a great solu­tions-based sto­ry and the secrets to pro­duc­ing this fas­ci­nat­ing week­ly pod­cast.


    • Anna Doble — Dig­i­tal Edi­tor, BBC World Ser­vice, Eng­lish

    • Ali­son Gee — Edi­tor, Peo­ple Fix­ing The World & News­cast


    Report­ing Cri­sis with Com­pas­sion: A trau­ma-informed approach to sup­port­ing refugee sto­ry­tellers | 16:00 – 17:00 (UTC+1)

    In part­ner­ship with British Red Cross

    Experts from the media and NGO sec­tor will guide you through this prac­ti­cal toolk­it to using col­lab­o­ra­tive work tech­niques to inform your report­ing on the migrant and refugee cri­sis.


    • Rebec­ca Gilbert — Head of News, British Red Cross (chair)

    • Nad­ja Drost — PBS New­shour Cor­re­spon­dent

    • Jo Healey — BBC jour­nal­ist & author of Trau­ma Report­ing

    • Darsh­na Soni — Home Affairs Cor­re­spon­dent, Chan­nel 4 News

    • Voic­es Net­work Ambas­sador



    DAY TWO • Wednes­day, 13 Octo­ber (Online & Lon­don)

    Wel­come address from Samir Shah, Chair of One World Media | 14.00 — 14.05


    Forced to Flee: What next for exiled jour­nal­ists? | 14:05 – 15:05 (UTC+1)

    As the threat to press free­dom ris­es and those who report the truth are increas­ing­ly forced to flee their homes, we’ll hear from exiled jour­nal­ists who have had to rebuild their lives and careers, and dis­cuss what more the media indus­try can do to sup­port them.


    • Dania Akkad — Mid­dle East Eye (chair)

    • Vivi­enne Fran­cis — Refugee Jour­nal­ism Project

    • Osama Gaweesh — Edi­tor-in-Chief, Egypt Watch


    Meet The Com­mis­sion­ers: How to keep the cli­mate cri­sis on the front page | 15:15 – 16:15 (UTC+1)

    As COP26 looms, we’ll be talk­ing to top com­mis­sion­ers from the likes of Al Jazeera and BBC to hear how to keep the cli­mate cri­sis at the top of the news agen­da and the inno­v­a­tive approach­es they hope to see in a pitch.


    • Sam Sutaria — Head of Strat­e­gy, Water­Bear Net­work (chair)

    • Aman­da Bur­rell — Exec­u­tive Pro­duc­er, Earth­rise Al Jazeera

    • Philip­pa Nut­tall — Envi­ron­ment and Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Edi­tor, The New States­man

    • Har­ri­et Oliv­er — Edi­tor, BBC World Ser­vice (Africa Youth Pro­grammes / Dig­i­tal Con­tent)


    Chal­leng­ing The West­ern Lens On Glob­al Report­ing | 16:15 – 17:00 (UTC+1)

    David Hearst in con­ver­sa­tion with Dr Dalia Fah­my

    Join us for this time­ly dis­cus­sion as we explore how west­ern media cov­er­age of inter­na­tion­al events has shaped per­cep­tions of the peo­ple at the heart of the sto­ries. How do we chal­lenge this west­ern lib­er­al per­spec­tive and the assump­tion of a moral right to inter­vene? What does this say about us, and how is this chang­ing?


    • David Hearst — Edi­tor-in-Chief, Mid­dle East Eye

    • Dr Dalia Fah­my — Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor of Polit­i­cal Sci­ence, Long Island Uni­ver­si­ty


    Net­work­ing Drinks at the Front­line Club, Lon­don | 17:00 (UTC+1)


    More info:

    All ses­sions will be avail­able online via a Vimeo Livestream or Zoom webi­nar.

    Day two of the One World Media Glob­al Report­ing Sum­mit 2021 will be host­ed at the Front­line Club in Lon­don. If you wish to attend these events in per­son, please ensure you pur­chase the Lon­don Event Pass.

    Stan­dard covid safe­ty mea­sures will be in place at the Front­line Club:

    • Hand sani­tis­er will be avail­able at the venue

    • Social­ly dis­tanced seat­ing will be in place

    • We rec­om­mend that guests wear a face mask

    • We advise all guests to take a lat­er­al flow test 24 hours before the event

    If you have any ques­tions or access require­ments, please con­tact us on contact@oneworldmedia.org.uk in advance of the event.


    Dis­count­ed Tick­ets:

    Dis­count­ed stu­dent tick­ets are avail­able at £9 to those cur­rent­ly in edu­ca­tion.

    To encour­age equal oppor­tu­ni­ties, we also have a lim­it­ed num­ber of dis­count­ed tick­ets avail­able for under­rep­re­sent­ed groups (peo­ple of colour, eth­nic groups, women, LGBTQ+, or peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties) and low-income par­tic­i­pants. Dis­count­ed tick­ets are allo­cat­ed to select­ed appli­cants.

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