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  • Agnieszka Romaszewska: ‘I have no doubt that ‘Belsat’ will survive’

    The director of ‘Belsat’ TV channel Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy noted during a meeting in Hrodna that ‘Belsat’ would survive and that the problem situation with its funding has been solved by now.

    “We have been assured that our ini­tia­tive will be con­tin­ued. I don’t know in detail how it will look like as for fund­ing so far. How­ev­er, I think that it won’t be worse than before. One can­not say for the time being, whether the fund­ing will be car­ried out through the Min­istry of For­eign Affairs [of Poland – editor’s remark]. This way or anoth­er, ‘Bel­sat’ will gen­er­al­ly sur­vive and con­tin­ue to oper­ate, as before. I believe that the work we have been doing for ten years has been appre­ci­at­ed”, Agniesz­ka Romaszews­ka-Guzy said.

    The TV chan­nel will cel­e­brate its 10th anniver­sary on Decem­ber 10, 2017.

    Talk­ing about the future of ‘Bel­sat’, Agnizesz­ka Romaszews­ka-Guzy not­ed as fol­lows: “In my opin­ion, we are enter­ing a bet­ter peri­od. I have no doubt that ‘Bel­sat’ will sur­vive. I don’t know how long it will last, but it looks like the next year will be calm and it will be also calm in two years from now.”

    Агнешка Рамашэўска-Гузы

    The ‘Bel­sat’ Direc­tor lays hopes on assis­tance from the Unit­ed King­dom in near future.

     “The British diplo­mats have promised us to sup­port the attempts of ‘Bel­sat’ to accred­it cor­re­spon­dents in Belarus. The TV chan­nel is going to apply for accred­i­ta­tions in the Min­istry of For­eign Affairs of Belarus for the third time this year. 200 peo­ple work for ‘Bel­sat’ in Poland and Belarus nowa­days,” Agniesz­ka Romaszews­ka-Guzy added.

    The ‘Bel­sat’ Direc­tor explained that the plan to estab­lish a TV sta­tion with pro­grams in Russ­ian in reac­tion to the Russ­ian aggres­sion in the Crimea and in the Don­bass area of Ukraine hasn’t been imple­ment­ed yet, since it is a cost­ly project and since it would require the polit­i­cal will and sup­port of all gross stake-hold­ers in the EU and, prob­a­bly, the Unit­ed States. Also, she not­ed that the fun­da­men­tal con­di­tions for tak­ing the impor­tant polit­i­cal deci­sion on cre­at­ing the new broad­cast­ing struc­ture haven’t been reached yet.

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