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  • Lukashenka’s Former Press-Secretary Appointed to the Position of Deputy Minister of Information of Belarus

    The Council of Ministers has issued a decree to appoint Pavel Liohki to the position of Deputy Minister of Information of Belarus. He dismissed the post of Minister-Councilor of the Embassy of Belarus to Russia at that.


    Pavel Lioh­ki is well-known in jour­nal­ist cir­cles of Belarus for lead­ing Alexan­der Lukashenka’s Press Ser­vice for 10 years, since 2003 till 2013. Unlike some of his col­leagues, he was in touch with the press, regard­less of the sta­tus of media out­lets.

    It is worth men­tion­ing that Ali­ak­san­dr Lukashen­ka appoint­ed Ali­ak­san­dr Kar­liuke­vich, a pro­fes­sion­al mil­i­tary man, a jour­nal­ist, and the top man­ag­er of the state-owned ‘Zvi­az­da’ Pub­lish­ing House to the posi­tion of the Min­is­ter of Infor­ma­tion of Belarus in Sep­tem­ber 2017. The lat­ter sub­sti­tut­ed Liliya Ananich on the post.

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