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  • Freelance Journalist Beaten and Detained for Streaming from Polling Station in Minsk, to Be Put on Trial on Monday

    Reportedly, a freelance journalist Andrus Koziel was beaten hard by police officers and convoyed from a polling station to Central City District Police Department in Minsk on February 18, 2018. According to the police report, the journalist was accused of disobedience to the police. Consequently, he was sent to the pre-trial detention centre in Akrestsin street in Minsk. The trial will take place on Monday, February 19th.


    The inci­dent took place at a polling sta­tion No.27 in Min­sk.

    The jour­nal­ist was stream­ing to Face­book from the polling sta­tion, and four police offi­cers tried to pre­vent him from doing it.

     Andrus Koziel man­aged to tell his wife Vol­ha Chaichyts that the police had beat­en him hard at the moment of deten­tion. A glass door at the polling sta­tion was bro­ken with the free­lance reporter’s head that caused injuries. The jour­nal­ist was bleed­ing.

    Late at night the police rep­re­sen­ta­tives told the journalist’s wife Vol­ha Chaichyts that her hus­band ‘didn’t need’ any med­ical help and that he would spend the night at the pre-tri­al deten­tion cen­tre in Akrestsin street in Min­sk.

    The tri­al has been sched­uled for Feb­ru­ary 19th, 9 am Min­sk time.


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