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  • Belarusian Court Reportedly Imprisons Ukrainian Reporter

    Media reports say a Belarusian court has sentenced a Ukrainian reporter to more than eight years in prison after convicting him of espionage.


    The Ukrain­ian ambas­sador to Belarus, Ihor Kiz­im, was quot­ed by the Belaru­sian news site Tut.by and Reuters as say­ing that the tri­al of Pavlo Sharoyko took place behind closed doors, but he didn’t spec­i­fy when the Supreme Court issued his sen­tence.

    Kiz­im also said he had vis­it­ed Sharoyko in a KGB deten­tion cen­ter and that his deten­tion con­di­tions were accept­able.

    Sharoyko was detained in Octo­ber 2017 by Belarus’s KGB, accused of being part of a spy ring work­ing for Ukraine’s Defense Min­istry.

    Kiz­im also said Sharoyko had plead­ed guilty to the charges but said that the embassy did not believe the reports.

    Ukraine and Belarus expelled each oth­er’s diplo­mats after Sharoyko’s arrest.
    Читать полностью:  https://news.tut.by/economics/593898.html?crnd=40713

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