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  • Detentions of journalists in Belarus, August 12

    On August 12, Belarusians continued to protest against the rigged election results. There was less police brutality on the streets, however, some journalists were detained.


    «Traffic policeman put a gun to my head,» — Volha Tsyhankova says.

    In Min­sk, polit­i­cal ana­lyst Vital Tsy­hank­ou was bru­tal­ly detained and beat­en  Dr. Vol­ha Tsy­hanko­va was detained, too.  

    Tsy­hanko­va told their sto­ry:

    «We were dri­ving on Niami­ha Street when we were stopped by a police­man. He demand­ed that we leave the car. With all recent events in mind, when peo­ple are pulled out of the car, beat­en and detained, I refused. I said that I would show my doc­u­ments from the car. The police­man’s response was pret­ty bru­tal. He began began to low­er the win­dow and hit the car, he put a gun to my head through the win­dow and demand­ed to get out. I drove a bit for­ward. We are sur­round­ed by sev­er­al traf­fic police cars, Vitaly was dragged from the car and beat­en, with his face down on the con­crete. We are now in the Mask­ous­ki police depart­ment. »

    Also, Min­sk police detained Ukrain­ian jour­nal­ists Kon­stan­tin Reut­s­ki (Hro­madske TV) and Yeven Vasi­lyev. They stayed at the apart­ment of Tat­siana Revi­a­ka, a human rights activist.  On August 12, the police came to search Tat­siana’s place.

    The search was con­duct­ed by the Inves­tiga­tive Com­mi­tee. They were inter­est­ed in the belong­ings of the Ukrain­ian cit­i­zens. Final­ly, the police left with a lap­top and a pass­port of one of the Ukraini­ans and Tat­siana’s lap­top. Tat­siana was not detained.

    Alos, Bel­sat jour­nal­ists Lubou Lunio­va and Zmitser Soltan were detained today. They were released after some time with­out charges.

    The Vil­lage Belarus jour­nal­ist Andrei Lychau­ka was snatched on the street and lat­er released with­out charges.

    In Babruisk, Bobruis­ki Couri­er jour­nal­ist Andrei Shobin was detained. He was walk­ing to cov­er the protests in the city. Andrew will be tried in prison tomor­row, i.e. the tri­al will be closed for pub­lic.

    A free­lance pho­tog­ra­ph­er of Brest­skaya Gaze­ta Sergei Nikra­she­vich was detained also. He is in the deten­tion cen­ter of the Lenin­sky Dis­trict Depart­ment of Inter­nal Affairs of Brest. It is not known what he was detained for.

    Repres­sions against jour­nal­ists in Belarus in 2020 (the chart is reg­u­lar­ly updat­ed)

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