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  • Journalists detained while greeting colleagues released from Akrestsina detention center. They were arrested and fined

    Dzianis Hancharenka and Ales Lubianchuk were detained near Akrestsina detention center. They were there to greet their colleagues who had served 11 days in jail — photographers Alexander Vasukovich and Uladz Hrydzin.

    The detained jour­nal­ists were tak­en to Mask­ous­ki police depart­ment.

    Dzia­n­is Han­charen­ka and Ales Lubianchuk will be tried on Sep­tem­ber 25.

    Each of them is charged under arti­cles 23.4 and 22.9 of the Admin­is­tra­tive Code (work­ing for for­eign media with­out accred­i­ta­tion and dis­obe­di­ence to police). They face short jail terms. The cas­es will be heard by Mask­ous­ki dis­trict court of Min­sk.

    Both jour­nal­ists — Han­charen­ka and Lyubyanchuk — were arrest­ed for 12 days and fined 30 basic units for work­ing with­out accred­i­ta­tion.

    Also Pavel Pat­a­pau, a cam­era­man and a mem­ber of the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists, was detained in Min­sk. He filmed the  street protest.

    Pavel Pota­pau was arrest­ed for 15 days by the Zavod­s­ki dis­trict court.

    On Sep­tem­ber 24, jour­nal­ists Uladz Hry­dzin and Alexan­der Vasukovich were released after 11 days of jail.  They plan to con­sult with lawyers about appeal­ing against the sen­tences that they con­sid­er unfair.

    In Homel, jour­nal­ist Mary­na Drabysheuskaya was released after 10 days of arrest.

    Hry­dzin, Vasukovich, and Drabysheuskaya were jailed for alleged par­tic­i­pa­tion in the protests, although they were cov­er­ing the events.

    Now, 7 jour­nal­ists remain in cus­tody: Zmitser Salauy­ou, Yahor Martsi­novich, Andrei Yakimush, Mikalai Mam­inau (his where­abouts are unknown since Sep­tem­ber 20), Mak­sim Nest­serkau, Yauhen Merkis, and Siarhei Shchurko.Former head of the pres­i­den­tial pool Dzmit­ry Siom­chanka is also serv­ing a short jail term.

    Uladz Hrydzin and Alexander Vasukovich

    Maryna Drabysheuskaya

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