Belarusian Association of Journalists and Reporters without Borders addressed the UN Special Rapporteur
21 January 2021
BAJ Press Service
BAJ and Reporters without Borders, addressed the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of freedom of opinion and expression. The letter informs about numerous cases of criminal prosecution of journalists and media in Belarus since September 2020.
The document talks about criminal prosecution of Belarus Press Club staff, Nasha Niva chief editor Yahor Martsinovich, journalists Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Daria Chultsova, journalist Katsiaryna Barysevich, Novy Chas photographer Dzmitry Dzmitryeu, Belsat cameramen Dzmitry Buyanau, Zmitser Krauchuk and Artsiom Bahuslauski, media manager and founder of Andrei Aliaksandrau and his girlfriend Iryna Zlobina.
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