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  • Authorities raid homes of sports journalists

    Maksim Bierazinski, who heads the popular sports news website tribuna.com and is currently staying abroad, had his Minsk apartment searched on September, 1.

    As the jour­nal­ist said in a Face­book post, law enforce­ment offi­cers raid­ed the apart­ment, where he has not lived for a year, in the frame­work of a crim­i­nal case opened over last year’s anti-Lukašen­ka protests.

    The offi­cers report­ed­ly told the neigh­bors that they want­ed to get inside the apart­ment because of an ace­tone smell, alleg­ing that drugs were being made there.

    Mr. Bier­azin­s­ki said that the offi­cers had bro­ken down the apartment’s door. “They didn’t even both­er to call either the own­er of the apart­ment or peo­ple reg­is­tered there,” he not­ed.

    As a result of the search, a computer’s hard dri­ve, some mem­o­ry sticks, white and red wrist­bands, a mag­net bear­ing the image of Paho­nia, Belarus’ his­tor­i­cal­ly nation­al coat of arms, and a base­ball bat fea­tur­ing the Tribuna.com logo were seized.

    Accord­ing to the jour­nal­ist, anoth­er tribuna.com jour­nal­ist has also had his home searched recent­ly.

    In ear­ly August, the web­site tribuna.com, its mir­ror, social media accounts and the publication’s mobile app were des­ig­nat­ed extrem­ist by a judge at the request of the inte­ri­or min­istry.

    Access to the web­site tribuna.com was blocked in Belarus in 2020. The project’s founder Dzmit­ryj Navoša, a promi­nent Moscow-based jour­nal­ist who is also the founder of the web­site sports.ru, pub­licly sup­port­ed the post-elec­tion protests in the coun­try.

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