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  • BAJ, Viasna and ABF start collecting humanitarian aid for Ukraine in Vilnius

    Everyone can join: bring the things and food from the list or make a donation.

    The Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists, Vias­na Human Rights Cen­ter and ABF ini­tia­tive have launched a project on col­lect­ing human­i­tar­i­an aid for Vos­tok SOS, the part­ner human rights orga­ni­za­tion from Ukraine, which has been pro­fes­sion­al­ly help­ing peo­ple affect­ed by the con­flict in the east of Ukraine for 8 years, and now pro­vides civil­ians with the nec­es­sary food and hygiene kits.

    Sol­i­dar­i­ty and uni­ty, mutu­al sup­port and assis­tance are of the utmost impor­tance these days. Ways to par­tic­i­pate:

    ▪️ Indi­vid­u­als

    •    pur­chase some­thing from the list of request­ed items (kits for chil­dren and food pack­ages are a high pri­or­i­ty) and bring it to the col­lec­tion point. Buy only as much as you can;

    •    donate to fund the pur­chase of kits (bank details below);

    •    spread the word about the col­lec­tion on social media.

    Items are col­lect­ed in Vil­nius (ABF office):

    Pylimo g., 6 (entrance through a met­al gate from the street).

    Mon­day – Thurs­day, 11:00 to 18:00

    Con­tact the orga­niz­ers on Telegram.

    ▪️ Orga­ni­za­tions, ini­tia­tives, busi­ness­es

    •    join the cam­paign to col­lect human­i­tar­i­an aid;

    •    buy sev­er­al kits from the list (kits for chil­dren and food pack­ages are a high pri­or­i­ty) and bring them to the col­lec­tion point;

    •    donate to fund the pur­chase of kits (bank details below).

    Fundrais­ing details:

    Kat­siary­na Bub­lis, IBAN LT273500010015625180


    Pay­sera LT, UAB Pilaitės pr. 16, Vil­nius,

    LT-04352, Lithua­nia

    Dona­tions can also be made direct­ly to VOSTOK SOS.

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