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  • Convicted journalist Ihar Losik summoned to Baranavichy court

    RFE/RL journalist Ihar Losik was detained on 25 June 2020 and is now serving a 15-year sentence. He has recently been summoned to Baranavichy District Court hearing in March for the consideration of the debt recovery case.

    Losiks’ property was sequestered towards debt repayment

    In addi­tion to huge sen­tences, defen­dants in the “Tsikhanous­ki case” were ruled to pay 22 mil­lion rubles of dam­ages, “to com­pen­sate the long hours the Inte­ri­or Min­istry staff had to work in the post-elec­tion peri­od.” In the mid­dle of July 2022, bailiffs came to Ihar’s home in Baranavichy to sequester the prop­er­ty towards repay­ment of his debt to the state. To redeem the prop­er­ty con­fis­cat­ed by the state, Ihar Losik had to obtain a per­mit. Brest Depart­ment of Cor­rec­tions did not respond to the polit­i­cal prisoner’s peti­tion, and his prop­er­ty was put up for auc­tion.

    Now Ihar is sum­moned to court in per­son.

    Losiks’ daughter is unlikely to see her father over bureaucratic obstacles

    In March, Ihar Losik’s par­ents are sup­posed to see him on a long-term vis­it. The polit­i­cal pris­on­er asked to bring his 4‑year-old daugh­ter Paulin­ka. The girl was left with­out both par­ents fol­low­ing their arrest. But bureau­crat­ic obsta­cles are like­ly to pre­vent Paulin­ka from com­ing – under the law, a child can vis­it a par­ent in a pen­i­ten­tiary only when accom­pa­nied by anoth­er par­ent or legal guardian.

    The girl’s moth­er Daria Losik is behind bars. On 19 Jan­u­ary 2022, Brest Region­al Court sen­tenced her to two years in jail. Daria’s par­ents took cus­tody of their grand­daugh­ter. They can’t vis­it Ihar since only imme­di­ate fam­i­ly is allowed to do so. Ihar’s par­ents can­not take Paulin­ka with them because they are not for­mal­ly her guardians.

    Ihar and Daria exchanged first letters

    Fol­low­ing the con­vic­tion of Daria Losik, the spous­es were allowed to cor­re­spond with each oth­er. Ihar wrote over 20 let­ters to his wife, but she only received one. Ihar was also hand­ed just one response from her.

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