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    More arrests of journalists in Belarus

    The Belarussian Association of Journalists (BAJ) reported on Sunday nine new cases of detention of journalists in Belarus. This brings to 139 the number of journalists detained in the country since 9 August. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) demands the immediate release of journalists and the lifting of charges and prosecutions against them.

    Pic­ture cred­it: TUT.BY / AFP.

    Accord­ing to the mon­i­tor­ing car­ried out by BAJ, nine jour­nal­ists were detained by the police on Sat­ur­day and Sun­day:

    • Larysa Shchyrako­va, detained on 30 August in Homel;

    • Ivan Kaliganov (Tass), detained on 30 August in Min­sk;

    • Jau­gen Mikala­je­vicz, detained on 30 August in Min­sk;

    • Ales Sabalews­ki, detained on 30 August in Mahil­iow;

    • Svy­ataslau Zorky (KP), detained on 29 August in Min­sk;

    • Paulyuk Byk­ous­ki (Deutsche Welle), detained on 29 August in Min­sk;

    • Zmitser Mick­iewicz, detained on 29 August in Min­sk;

    • Andrei Rabchyk, detained on 29 August in Min­sk;

    • Ales Pilet­sky, detained on 29 August in Min­sk.

    • Kanstantsin Manenk­ou (AP), detained on 29 August in Min­sk and deport­ed;

    • Dzmit­ry Lavet­s­ki (AP), detained on 29 August in Min­sk and deport­ed;

    Since the fraud­u­lent elec­tions of 9 August, 139 jour­nal­ists have been sub­ject to admin­is­tra­tive arrests in Belarus. Most have been released, but they are being pros­e­cut­ed, often for alleged par­tic­i­pa­tion in an ille­gal demon­stra­tion.

    “The EFJ con­demns this judi­cial repres­sion of jour­nal­ists for just doing their job,” said EFJ Direc­tor Renate Schroed­er. “We demand the release of all detained jour­nal­ists and the lift­ing of all pros­e­cu­tions. We reit­er­ate our urgent call to the Euro­pean Union and the OSCE to pun­ish the Belaru­sian author­i­ties for these unac­cept­able obstruc­tions which aim to put up a wall of silence on the repres­sion of Belaru­sian democ­rats.”

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