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  • 8 journalists detained on Saturday, September 26

    On Saturday, September 26th, women held protest marches in Belarus. The police detained both protesters and journalists.

    8 jour­nal­ists were detained on Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 26. 

    Maria Vaitovich (Euro­ra­dio) 

    Maria Hryts (Bel­sat) 

    Kat­siary­na Karpit­skaya (Nasha Niva)

    Yulia Matuza­va («Euro­ra­dio», released)   

    Ali­ak­san­dra Elbaum (TUT.BY )

    Ale­na Dounar, free­lancer

    Anas­ta­sia Alshan­skaya (MBK media)

    Maria Hryts, who has an under­age daugh­ter, and Ale­na Dounar were tak­en to Akrestsi­na deten­tion cen­ter until tri­al.

    Police detains Maria Vaitovich

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