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    CEO describes blocking of Deutsche Welle’s website in Belarus as “act of desperation”

    October 30, 2021

    «The torture is ongoing.» Journalist Katsiaryna Karpitskaya speaks about arrest conditions

    Nasha Niva journalist Katsiaryna Karpitskaya spent a month under arrest in a temporary detention center. During the time, she managed to catch several illnesses and witness the ongoing torture used against political detainees.
    September 21, 2021

    Supreme Court liquidated Belarusian Association of Journalists

    August 27, 2021

    Integrity. Strength. Yulia VIDEO

    May 04, 2021

    OSCE Media Freedom Representative meets with representatives of the BAJ and editors of independent media

    The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM), Teresa Ribeiro, met online today with representatives of the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) and editors of several independent media outlets to discuss the current state of freedom of expression and media freedom in Belarus.
    May 02, 2021

    Repression and resistance in Belarus: A monthly chronology

    March 18, 2021

    “Everything was done to paralyze the work of the organization”

    March 11, 2021

    Belarus: Prosecution of journalists for “organising violations of public order” infringes international human rights standards

    ARTICLE 19 is deeply concerned about the criminal charges pursued in Belarus against Belsat TV journalists Ekaterina Bakhvalova and Daria Chultsova. Both journalists were covering the peaceful protests taking place on 15 November 2020 that demanded a change of the ruling government and of the president, and accountability for the tortures and killings of protesters like Roman Bondarenka. Journalists are now facing criminal charges for organising actions that grossly violate public order, and active participation in them. ARTICLE 19 argues that journalists are simply prosecuted for carrying out their role – gathering and sharing important information about protests and ensuring accountability of public bodies for their actions. We call on the Belarusian courts to immediately and unconditionally drop these charges and refrain from bringing similar charges in the future.
    February 05, 2021

    Why are three Belarusian journalists in jail and what punishment do they face?

    Three Belarusian journalists — Katsiaryna Barysevich from TUT.BY, Daria Chultsova and Katsiaryna Andreyeva from "Belsat" are in custody now, on criminal charges. Barysevich quoted an emergency hospital doctor and medical records when reporting that Raman Bandarenka was sober when taken to hospital — and was charged with disclosing medical secrets, "which led to serious consequences". Andreyeva and Chultsova were livestreaming from the Square of Change — and have been charged with organizing and preparing actions that seriously breach public order. TUT.BY is telling their stories, what their criminal cases are about, where they are now and what their colleagues know them for.
    December 24, 2020

    On Human Rights Day, NGOs call for accountability and an end to the crackdown in Belarus

    In light of recent findings on Belarus by both the OSCE’s Moscow Mechanism and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, organisations express concern about ongoing abuses carried out by agents and supporters of the government of President Alexander Lukashenko and call for immediate investigations and redress.
    December 11, 2020

    RSF’s 15 recommendations for ending the four-month-old crackdown on press freedom in Belarus

    December 11, 2020

    BAJ wins the first Canada-UK Media Freedom Award. Andrei Bastunets’ speech

    November 16, 2020

    Wife of political prisoner Ihar Losik: «They organized a torture chamber for my husband»

    The wife of political prisoner Ihar Losik told the media about the conditions of her husband's incarceration in Zhodzina jail. Daria Losik is sure that the jail administration is deliberately creating unbearable conditions for Ihar in the hope to break him and make him incriminate himself and other people. RFE/RL published a video with Daria's story in its Telegram channel.
    September 30, 2020

    ANDREI BASTUNETS: Today, the law does not defend us

    September 18, 2020

    Cameraman Uladzimir Luniou: ‘I didn’t belive we would get out of there alive’

    A cameraman Uladzimir Luniou was filming peaceful protest actions in Minsk. On August 10, he was besieged by police near the ‘Pushkinskaya’ metro station. He was detained at about 11.30 pm, despite wearing a vest with the word “Press” and trying to explain that he was an independent journalist. According to the reporter, he was kept 'in inhumane conditions' in custody for 34 hours.  He was released later, but his personal belongings were not returned to him. Moreover, he had to visit the detention center again, in order to get his passport back. The court ruling of August 21 has not been sent to him yet.
    September 04, 2020
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