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    Declaring war on the truth: the crackdown on independent media in Belarus

    August 28, 2020

    Riot policeman deliberately shoots at Nasha Niva journalist Natalia Lubneuskaya from 10 meters VIDEO

    August 26, 2020

    “I will murder you. I can do it today.” Journalists from Babruysk Clobbered and Tortured

    Representatives of law-enforcement agencies brutally detained four independent journalists in Babruysk (Mahilou region) on August 10, 2020. Three of them were detained next to the local pretrial detention center, where the relatives of the previously locked up Babruysk dwellers gathered and waited for court decisions. The fourth journalist was taken into custody at his wife’s work place. 
    August 23, 2020

    Journalist Ivan Murauyou talks about his three days in detention

    August 16, 2020

    Journalist Tatsiana Belashova: Akrestsina is a manmade hell

    In the evening of May 10, Alena Shcharbinskaya, I,  and another dozen people were loaded into a police van near Centralny police department, where we searched for information about our detained family members. Of course, the police did not explain, why they detained us.
    August 16, 2020

    Independent media advocate and journalist tell of challenges covering Belarus’s upcoming elections and coronavirus

    As Belarus’s August 9, 2020, presidential election nears with President Aleksandr Lukashenko vying to remain in power after 26 years in office, press freedom advocates say Belarusian authorities are cracking down on journalists and government critics. 
    July 03, 2020

    Amnesty International: Bloggers and activists arrested in purge ahead of the presidential election must be released

    June 30, 2020

    RSF calls for EU pressure after wave of arrests of journalists in Belarus

    June 24, 2020

    How Belarusian officials withhold information about COVID-19 from the public. Editors of Belarusian media tell their stories

    May 28, 2020

    Journalist Siarhei Satsuk asked to publish this text in case of his arrest

    March 30, 2020

    Tatsiana Tkachova: If I stop loving the process, stop loving the way the cherries bloom, then it’s time to die

    Tatsiana Tkachova, World Press Photo nominee in the "portrait" category shares emotions with BAJ.BY, and tells what she finds really important and how to learn photography.
    March 02, 2020

    After the parliamentary elections: political and media freedom in Belarus

    December 03, 2019

    Declaration on the need for geographical localization of internet services and the recognition of the Belarusian segment of the internet as a separate market

    November 20, 2019

    Journalists face numerous obstacles when covering parliamentary elections in Belarus

    November 20, 2019

    EOC defends placing the European Games in Belarus

    Once again, a major sports event is met with criticism for being placed in a semi-authoritarian regime with bad human rights records. The EOC vice president defends the decision of awarding the European Games to Minsk but is ready to discuss how to implement broader human rights demands for countries hosting Olympic events.
    June 18, 2019
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