Killing Pavel: Investigation of the Assasination of Pavel Sheremet
Beaten Reporter Tells Circumstances of Detention
International Appeals to Belarus Authorities to Stop Repressions
BAJ Protests against the Wave of Detentions, Demands Justice
Liberalization Is Over?
Liberalization Is Over?
Media in Belarus Conference: Challenges and Chances
Media in Belarus Conference, Day Two
On the conference’ second day, the speakers touched upon the issues of economic hardships, copyright disputes and the specific of online transition of traditional independent mass media. Some remarkable excerpts from the conference can be found below.
Farewell to Sisterly Love
Farewell to Sisterly Love
Come to Belarus for 5 days without a visa!
Come to Belarus for 5 days without a visa!
Journalism as Problem Solving
At the conference Delovoy Internet, the founder of magazine Imena Katsiaryna Siniuk told about the most successful actions, psychological pressure and work of the first public-supported mass medium.
John Silver Interview: Informational Isolation is the Hardest
«Our people know three things: how to run the state, play football and publish Nasha Niva»
The press service of BAJ has talked to Andrei Skurko, the editor-in-chief of Nasha Niva newspaper, to find out what will change in the strategy of the newspaper after it starts being a monthly plus digital newspaper, purely in Belarusian independent outlet.
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