Andrei Bastunets: ‘The Dialogue with the EU Continues, but Problems with Freedom of Speech Remain to be Unsolved’
Andrei Bastunets, the Chairperson of Belarusian Association of Journalists expressed his concern with the fact, that the dialogue with the EU in the framework of ‘Eastern Partnership’ program continues, but it doesn’t result in any progress with situation with human rights in Belarus.
The role, the content, and the form of participation of civil society in different formats on various communication platforms of Belarus – EU relations and their eventual contribution to meeting the practical objectives of European Partnership were discussed during the conference of Belarusian National Platform of EP Civil Society Forum.
‘Parallel processes take place at the same time, unfortunately, including the discussion of situation with human rights among the civil society actors in the country and the state process, aimed at concealing the problems,’ noted Andrei Bastunets during his speech at the conference.
As an example of ineffective talks, Bastunets presented a dialogue on human rights that included discussion of such topics as arbitrary detention of journalists and fines for journalist work without accreditation.
‘There was a period of time since April 2016 till March 2017, when it looked like the talks had some positive results, since journalists weren’t fined for their work for foreign media without accreditation then,’ — noted A. Bastunets. – ‘However, the situation aggravated considerably since March 2017, and the number of fines last year exceeded the total number of fines in the previous three years. It proves the fact that one group of governmental officials often deals with the dialogue, and the other group of governmental officials deals with decision making,’ added the Chairperson of Belarusian Association of Journalists.
The final resolution was adopted by the conference participants at the end of the event. Among other, it was focused on the current problems in the Belarusian mass media field: ‘We underscore the unacceptability of the regular facts of pressure on the independent media and journalists. We support the assessment of the situation with freedom of speech in our country represented in the recent statements of the Belarusian Association of Journalists and a group of human rights organizations about the inadmissibility of restricting public access to websites ‘Belarusian Partisan’ ( and ‘Charter 97’ ( Also, we call upon the official authorities to cancel the relevant decisions of the Ministry of Information and restore access to these Web-sites as well as to review the existing legislation on the media and put an end to the practice of political censorship on the Internet, and persecution of journalists for the conduct of their professional duties, «- noted the conference participants.