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    Stolin court sentences blogger Aliaksandr Ihnatsiuk

    On 5 April 2024, the Stolin Dis­trict Court announced the ver­dict in the crim­i­nal case against blog­ger and for­mer edi­tor of the news­pa­per Vech­erniy Stolin Ali­ak­san­dr Ihnat­siuk.

    Criminal case of Yury Drakakhrust, Hanna Liubakova, and 18 other defendants forwarded to Prosecutor General

    On Belarusian Freedom Day, Belarusian diaspora in Spain joined Solidarity Marathon

    Journalist Ihar Karnei recognized as political prisoner


    CPJ calls for the immediate release of journalist Andrei Tolchyn


    Ihar Karnei’s sentence: 3 years in prison and $6,000 fine

    Free­lance jour­nal­ist Ihar Karnei has been sen­tenced to three years in prison by Judge Siarhei Kat­sar of the Min­sk City Court. He was found guilty of par­tic­i­pat­ing in an extrem­ist group.

    Videographer Andrei Tolchyn sentenced to two and a half years in prison

    Two-and-a-half years’ impris­on­ment in a penal colony – this sen­tence was hand­ed down on March 21 by Homel Region­al Court judge Dzmit­ry Kazlou, who has repeat­ed­ly tried res­i­dents of the Homel Region in polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed crim­i­nal cas­es.

    Ihar Karnei to be tried today for being member of ‘extremist formation’

    The tri­al start­ed at 10 am today in the Min­sk City Court, presided over by Judge Siarhei Kat­sar. Diplo­mats of the EU, Aus­tria, the Nether­lands, Slo­va­kia, Swe­den, Ger­many, Poland, and the UK were at the court build­ing today in sol­i­dar­i­ty with the jour­nal­ist. In its state­ment, the EU Mis­sion in Belarus said that “the EU […]

    Iryna Leushyna’s words quoted at Echoing the Voices of Women action in Malmö

    At the begin­ning of March, the Malmö Art Muse­um com­mem­o­rat­ed impris­oned female jour­nal­ists from Belarus as part of the Echo­ing the Voic­es of Women action. With the sup­port of the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists, Malmö PEN told the sto­ry of nine media women who are cur­rent­ly impris­oned and also read quotes from the final state­ment […]

    Iryna Leushyna’s words quoted at Echoing the Voices of Women action in Malmö

    At the begin­ning of March, the Malmö Art Muse­um com­mem­o­rat­ed impris­oned female jour­nal­ists from Belarus as part of the Echo­ing the Voic­es of Women action. With the sup­port of the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists, Malmö PEN told the sto­ry of nine media women who are cur­rent­ly impris­oned and also read quotes from the final state­ment […]

    Special proceedings initiated against journalist Uladzimir Khilmanovich

    Jour­nal­ist and human rights activist Uladz­imir Khilmanovich has been accused of pro­mot­ing extrem­ist activ­i­ty. He was sum­moned to Hrod­na Region­al Depart­ment of the Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee.

    Journalist Ihar Kazmerchak to be tried in absentia

    The edi­tor of the inde­pen­dent web­site Orsha.eu has been accused of pro­mot­ing extrem­ist activ­i­ties and insult­ing Ali­ak­san­dr Lukashen­ka. The Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee has ini­ti­at­ed spe­cial pro­ceed­ings against him. The accu­sa­tion was report­ed on March 14 by the telegram chan­nel Spe­cial Pro­ceed­ings. Offi­cial­ly.

    Blogger Aliaksandr Ihnatsiuk to be tried on March 15. Extremist charges dropped, while new accusations appear


    Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy dismissed from position of Belsat TV director

    The for­mer head of the inde­pen­dent TV chan­nel report­ed this on her Face­book page.

    Blogger Aliaksandr Ihnatsiuk accused of promoting extremist activities, blackmail, and defamation

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