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    The journalists of Belarus in exile

    Belarus is one of the most difficult countries in Europe for independent journalists to work in. Since the rigged presidential election in 2020, the journalists have been a target for the regime and at least 300 journalists have been forced into exile. Now they are struggling to cover the news in their homeland from a distance.

    TUT.BY journalist Alena Talkachova released from jail

    On 18 July, journalist Alena Talkachova, a defendant in the “TUT.BY case,” was released from the pre-trial detention center in Minsk, reported Volha Loika, another defendant in the case.

    Intex-press journalist Yury Hantsarevich sentenced to 2.5 years in jail

    The journalist was found guilty of "facilitating extremist activities" (Article 364-4, Part 1) by sending photos of military aircrafts at Baranavichy airfield to the RFE/RL Belarus Telegram channel, reports Intex-press.

    EFJ: Belarus: journalist Katsiaryna Andreeva sentenced to 8 years for alleged treason

    Белорусская журналистка  Екатерина Андреева , корреспондент польского независимого телеканала «  Белсат» , 13 июля была приговорена к восьми годам лишения свободы по обвинению в государственной измене. Европейская  федерация журналистов  (EFJ) осуждает эту пародию на правосудие и призывает власти Беларуси прекратить преследование и преследование работников СМИ и освободить всех журналистов, осужденных за свою работу.

    BAJ expresses indignation and protests against Katsiaryna Andrejeva’s sentence


    Convicted journalist Katsiaryna Andrejeva sentenced again for “treason”

    Journalist Katsiaryna Andrejeva was found guilty of “treason against the state” and sentenced to eight years in jail, reports the Human Rights Center “Viasna”. The trial was held in the Homel Regional Court in camera.

    Imprisoned Belarus journalist Katsiaryna Andreyeva begins new trial on treason charges


    Photographer Siarhei Lysenka detained in Homel for attending planned holiday for Ukrainian children


    Journalist faces 6 years in jail for photographing military equipment. Trial scheduled for July 13


    The trial over BelaPAN journalists suspended for two months

    BPN informs that the trial in the "BelaPAN case" has been suspended for at least two months.

    Сriminal case opened against Dev.by director

    Pro-government Telegram channels report that Dev By Media director Vital Andras is under criminal investigation.​

    Belarusian blogger handed parole-like sentence

    MINSK -- A well-known Belarusian blogger and Wikipedia author, Mark Bernshteyn, has been handed a parole-like sentence after being found guilty of organizing and preparing activities that disrupt social order, a charge he has rejected.

    Iryna Slaunikava, went on trial on charges of leading an extremist group

    on June 23, a Belarusian journalist in the southeastern city of Homel. Iryna Slaunikava, went on trial on charges of leading an extremist group and organizing activities that disrupt social order. The charges also stemmed from her taking part in mass protests that were sparked by the disputed presidential election.

    Belarusian philosopher handed five-year prison term as journalist, blogger go on trial

    MINSK -- Well-known Belarusian philosopher Uladzimer Matskevich has been sentenced to five years in prison over his active participation in public events questioning the official results of the August 2020 presidential poll that handed victory to authoritarian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka.

    Criminal cases initiated against ABW.BY journalists

    The criminal investigation was launched against ABW.by editor-in-chief Yulia Mudreuskaya and the special projects editor Yury Gladchuk, reports Reform.by.
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