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    Authorities invite Polish journalists to Belarus’ side of border to cover migrant crisis

    The Belarusian information ministry said on Wednesday that Polish journalists were welcome to come to Belarus’ side of the shared border to cover a worsening migrant crisis.

    IPI: Government moves to stamp out remaining independent media

    International community must not lose focus on severity of crackdown.

    Index Censorship published Andrei Aliaksandrau’s letter from prison

    The Index on Censorship  published a letter from Andrey Aleksandrov from prison.

    Authorities extend detention of sports journalist Aliaksandr Ivulin by another month

    5 November. Aliaksandr Ivulin, a journalist with the now-blacklisted sports news website by.tribuna.com and soccer player who is viewed as a political prisoner by Belarusian human rights groups, has had his pretrial detention extended by another month, the unregistered Viasna Human Rights Center said on Friday.

    Protest in cell 15. Iryna Slaunikava and other detainees on hunger strike in detention center

    Ten women have been on hunger strike in the double cell 15 in the temporary detention center in Akrestsin Street since the evening of November 3. There were plenty of reasons for this: it's been more than a year since the detainees were deprived of care packages, they are not taken to the shower or for a walk, the cells were overcrowded, medicines and the necessary medical treatment for COVID-19 were not provided.

    Authorities blocked website of Belarusian Association of Journalists

    The Ministry of Information of Belarus has decided to block the access of Belarusian users to the website of our organization — the main independent journalistic association of the country. In August this year, the Supreme Court canceled our registration status.

    Belsat TV’s site, social media accounts labeled extremist group by police

    According to the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, groups of citizens united with the help of Belsat online media were recognized as extremist groups and banned from operating in the Republic of Belarus.

    Belarusian journalists and BAJ won Free Media Awards

    The winners of the Free Media Awards were awarded in Hamburg, all this year's winners being Belarusians. The winners were announced back in August. These are Katsiaryna Barysevich, Katsiaryna Andreyeva, Daria Chultsova, Natallia Lubneuskaya, the TUT.BY media outlet, and the Belarusian Association of Journalists.

    MASS MEDIA IN BELARUS. E‑NEWSLETTER No.2 (64) 2021. Persecution of journalists in 2021

    The situation in Belarusian mass media field has critically aggravated since the time of Presidential election a year ago.

    Belarusian authorities block access to website of Russia’s Regnum news agency

    The website of Russia’s Regnum news agency stopped being accessible to users in Belarus on Saturday. 

    Journalist Dzyanis Ivashyn charged with treason. He faces up to 15 years in prison

    This follows from the response of the KGB Office for Grodno Region received by the journalist's wife Volha Ivashyna.

    Journalist Iryna Slaunikava arrested for «distribution of extremist materials» for 15 days

    Journalist Iryna Slaunikava and her husband Aliaksandr Loika were arrested for "distribution of extremist materials" for 15 days each. This verdict was pronounced by the Pershamaiski District Court of Minsk.

    CEO describes blocking of Deutsche Welle’s website in Belarus as “act of desperation”

    Peter Limbourg, director-general of Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW), has condemned the blocking of the DW website and a number of other media outlets in Belarus, saying that it is an “act of desperation” on the part of the Belarusian authorities.

    Belarusian authorities block access to three news websites

    Three more news websites were made inaccessible to users in Belarus on October 28 by order of the country’s information ministry. The sites are those of Belarus’ newspaper Novy Čas, as well as of Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle and of Current Time TV, a Russian-language television channel launched by U.S.-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty with participation of Voice of America.

    Local news site ЕХ-PRЕSS.ВY designated extremist

    The content of the local news site ЕХ-PRЕSS.ВY has been designated extremist at the request of the Barysaŭ District Prosecutor’s Office, the Prosecutor General’s Office said on Monday. ЕХ-PRЕSS.ВY covers news in Barysaŭ and Žodzina, two cities in the Minsk region. According to the ЕХ-PRЕSS.ВY editorial team, some 100,000 people visit the website every day. In addition, the “extremist” label has been slapped on the content of a Telegram chat that unites residents of the city of Šarkaŭščyna in the Viciebsk region. The decision has been made at the request of the Šarkaŭščyna District Prosecutor’s Office.
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