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    Journalists Alena Tsimashchuk and Aliaksandr Kirkevich added to “extremists” list

    The list of “per­sons prone to extrem­ist activ­i­ty,” updat­ed on August 23 on the web­site of the Min­istry of Inter­nal Affairs of Belarus, indi­cates that Brest-based jour­nal­ist Ale­na Tsi­mashchuk is cur­rent­ly serv­ing a sen­tence. The same is true for Ali­ak­san­dr Kirke­vich, a jour­nal­ist from Hrod­na. How­ev­er, he has long since left Belarus and is not […]

    Belarusian journalist Larysa Shchyrakova among Free Media Awards winners

    The Fritt Ord Foun­da­tion and the Zeit Stiftung Bucerius Foun­da­tion announced that the 2024 Free Media Awards will be pre­sent­ed to jour­nal­ists and media from Belarus, Geor­gia, Ukraine, Azer­bai­jan, Rus­sia and, for the first time, Hun­gary. Among the lau­re­ates, the name of Gomel jour­nal­ist Larysa Shchyrako­va, who is cur­rent­ly behind bars, was announced.

    Former BT journalist Dzmitry Luksha and his wife Palina Palavinka released from prison

    The cou­ple was released from prison on par­don. Both were released from prison on July 3, but human rights activists report­ed only the release of Pali­na Palavin­ka. No infor­ma­tion about Dzmit­ry Luk­sha was report­ed.

    Journalist Ksenia Lutskina, who defied National TV, pardoned

    Lut­ski­na was released from cus­tody a few days after Ali­ak­san­dr Lukashen­ka announced the release of sev­er­al polit­i­cal pris­on­ers with seri­ous health issues. Kse­nia Lut­ski­na suf­fers from asth­ma and has been diag­nosed with can­cer. Two tumors were found in her head, one of which was removed in 2012.

    NUJU presents flag of unity to Belarusian Association of Journalists

    Dur­ing his trip to Kyiv, Deputy Chair­man of the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists Barys Haret­s­ki met with Chair­man of the Nation­al Union of Jour­nal­ists of Ukraine Ser­hii Tomilenko.

    Russian Prosecutors threaten to block Reform.news over controversial content

    The Russ­ian watch­dog Roskom­nad­zor has sent a warn­ing to the edi­tors of Reform.news that the site will be blocked for Russ­ian users in 24 hours unless all infor­ma­tion on it is removed.

    ECHR denies Andrei Hniot’s bid to block extradition to Belarus

    The legal coun­sel request­ed that the extra­di­tion of the direc­tor be pro­hib­it­ed until the Euro­pean Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has con­sid­ered his case. How­ev­er, on August 19, the ECHR in Stras­bourg denied Andrei Hniot pro­tec­tion from extra­di­tion for the third time.

    Provincial newspaper dodges penalty for using ‘extremist’ visuals

    The prosecutor’s office acknowl­edged that Lep­el­s­ki Krai had dis­trib­uted “extrem­ist” mate­ri­als. Still, the edi­to­r­i­al staff was not pun­ished, unlike non-state pub­li­ca­tions, which are usu­al­ly fined.

    Supreme Court to consider appeal of ex-journalist Alena Tsimashchuk

    The con­sid­er­a­tion of the appeal of Ale­na Tsi­mashchuk, a jour­nal­ist from Brest, sen­tenced to 5 years in prison and fined $14,000, is sched­uled for August 16. The hear­ing in the Supreme Court will begin at 9:30 a.m. Judge Siarhei Hurau will pre­side.

    Until all are free. Info stand for imprisoned journalists opens in Helsinki

    On August 8, an infor­ma­tion stand was opened in Helsin­ki fea­tur­ing mail­box­es for let­ters to be sent to Belaru­sian jour­nal­ists who are behind bars. The mount has been installed in the Media Muse­um Merk­ki.

    IFJ and EFJ demand the release of jailed journalists on the 4th anniversary of the fraudulent elections

    The Inter­na­tion­al and the Euro­pean Fed­er­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affil­i­ate, the Belaru­sian Jour­nal­ists’ Asso­ci­a­tion (BAJ), in call­ing on the regime to release all jour­nal­ists and media work­ers behind bars. The Fed­er­a­tions also urge the author­i­ties to stop their harass­ment of exiled jour­nal­ists, includ­ing raid­ing their res­i­dences and caus­ing dis­tress to their fam­i­lies to […]

    Collection for palliative care for journalist Vadim Dovnar

    Good after­noon! This is the BYSOL fundrais­ing team. A few months ago we did a med­ical fundrais­er for a liv­er trans­plant for jour­nal­ist Vadim Dov­nar and raised about €6000. This mon­ey was used for the treat­ment, but unfor­tu­nate­ly it did not yield the expect­ed results.

    BAJ and the Press Club Belarus call on the Polish authorities to preserve Belsat TV channel

    The largest Belaru­sian media orga­ni­za­tions, the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists and the Press Club Belarus have urged the Pol­ish author­i­ties to pre­serve the Belaru­sian tele­vi­sion chan­nel Bel­sat.

    Journalists Ales Sabaleuski and Yauhen Hlushkou sentenced to prison terms and heavy fines

    Jour­nal­ist Ales Sabaleus­ki and video­g­ra­ph­er Yauhen Hlushk­ou have been accused of par­tic­i­pa­tion in extrem­ist and armed for­ma­tions. The tri­al com­menced on July 12 in the Mahil­iou Region­al Court, and since then, five court ses­sions have been held. The ver­dict was announced on July 31.

    Police intensifies raids on exiled journalists’ residences in Belarus

    In June and July, the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists doc­u­ment­ed at least 21 search­es at the res­i­dences of jour­nal­ists who relo­cat­ed abroad and con­tin­ue to work in the media. In the major­i­ty of cas­es, law enforce­ment offi­cials arrived at the jour­nal­ists’ reg­is­tered places of res­i­dence with search war­rants for crim­i­nal cas­es against them.
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