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    Monitoring Report 2017


    EFJ: Statement of solidarity with prosecuted Belarusian journalists

    On the eve of the World Press Freedom Day 2018 (WPFD), the European Federation of Journalists expresses its solidarity with prosecuted journalists in Belarus.

    EFJ: Statement of solidarity with prosecuted Belarusian journalists

    On the eve of the World Press Freedom Day 2018 (WPFD), the European Federation of Journalists expresses its solidarity with prosecuted journalists in Belarus.

    Basic remarks and proposal by BAJ on the draft amendments to the legislation of Belarus on regulation of the media and online resources


    BAJ has sent to each Member of Parliament their comments and suggestions on the Law on Mass Media

    The Belarusian Association of Journalists has sent to each member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus their comments and suggestions regarding the amendments to the Law on Mass Media.

    BAJ has sent to each Member of Parliament their comments and suggestions on the Law on Mass Media

    The Belarusian Association of Journalists has sent to each member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus their comments and suggestions regarding the amendments to the Law on Mass Media.

    BAJ has sent to each Member of Parliament their comments and suggestions on the Law on Mass Media

    The Belarusian Association of Journalists has sent to each member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus their comments and suggestions regarding the amendments to the Law on Mass Media.

    Resolution of the 10th Congress of the Belarusian Association of Journalists

    The work of the NGO “Belarusian Association of Journalists” in 2015 - 2017 focused on the statutory goals and objectives and the implementation of the Strategic Directions of the Belarusian Association of Journalists, which were adopted by its last Congress. In accordance with them, the main goal of BAJ is to expand the space for freedom of speech through the support of high-quality journalism demanded by the public, as well as the dissemination of truthful information.

    Resolution of the 10th Congress of the Belarusian Association of Journalists

    The work of the NGO “Belarusian Association of Journalists” in 2015 - 2017 focused on the statutory goals and objectives and the implementation of the Strategic Directions of the Belarusian Association of Journalists, which were adopted by its last Congress. In accordance with them, the main goal of BAJ is to expand the space for freedom of speech through the support of high-quality journalism demanded by the public, as well as the dissemination of truthful information.

    Statement by the Congress of the Belarusian Association of Journalists on changes to the Law on Mass Media

    On 19 April, the House of Representatives of the National Assembly passed in its first reading a draft law providing for introduction of major changes in the media legislation.

    Statement by the Congress of the Belarusian Association of Journalists on changes to the Law on Mass Media

    On 19 April, the House of Representatives of the National Assembly passed in its first reading a draft law providing for introduction of major changes in the media legislation.

    The BAJ Congress Voted for New Leadership of Belarusian Association of Journalists

    The 10th Congress of Belarusian Association of Journalists was held in Minsk on April 20, 2018. During the gathering, new leadership of BAJ was elected. Andrei Bastunets was re-elected to hold the position of the BAJ Chairperson in 2018 – 2020.

    The BAJ Congress Voted for New Leadership of Belarusian Association of Journalists

    The 10th Congress of Belarusian Association of Journalists was held in Minsk on April 20, 2018. During the gathering, new leadership of BAJ was elected. Andrei Bastunets was re-elected to hold the position of the BAJ Chairperson in 2018 – 2020.

    Public discussion of changes in the Law on Mass Media: We are like a frog in a heated water that doesn’t feel she’ll be cooked soon

    The Belarusian Association of Journalists held a roundtable on the amendments to the Law on Mass Media. Lawyers, editors and journalists assessed the proposed changes and discussed opportunities to influence the legislators’ decision.

    BAJ Sent Its Comments on the Amendments to the Law on Mass Media to the Parliament

    The Belarusian Association of Journalists submitted its comments and suggestions on the draft amendments regulating the media sphere to the Standing Commission on Human Rights, Ethnic Relations and Mass Media of the House of Representatives.
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