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    Expensive Professional Equipment Seized from ‘Belsat’ Journalists

    A court verdict to seize the ‘Belsat’ equipment has been announced within a case on the ‘Belsat’ trademark copyright by Anastasiya Papko, the judge of Piershamayski City District of Minsk.

    Expensive Professional Equipment Seized from ‘Belsat’ Journalists

    A court verdict to seize the ‘Belsat’ equipment has been announced within a case on the ‘Belsat’ trademark copyright by Anastasiya Papko, the judge of Piershamayski City District of Minsk.

    BAJ: The Verdict on ‘Belsat’ Case Shows the Use of the Law against the Freedom of Media

    The Belarusian Association of Journalists considers a court decision on the case of ‘Belsat’ TV journalist Aliaksandr Barazenka to be unfair and oppressing freedom of speech in the country.

    BAJ: The Verdict on ‘Belsat’ Case Shows the Use of the Law against the Freedom of Media

    The Belarusian Association of Journalists considers a court decision on the case of ‘Belsat’ TV journalist Aliaksandr Barazenka to be unfair and oppressing freedom of speech in the country.

    New Minister of Information Appointed in Belarus

    The President of Belarus Aliaksandar Lukashenka appointed Aliaksandar Karliukevich to hold the position of Belarus' Minister of Information on September 28, 2017. Previously the latter worked as Deputy Minister of Information, BelTA reports.

    New Minister of Information Appointed in Belarus

    The President of Belarus Aliaksandar Lukashenka appointed Aliaksandar Karliukevich to hold the position of Belarus' Minister of Information on September 28, 2017. Previously the latter worked as Deputy Minister of Information, BelTA reports.

    Huge Fines Imposed on Freelance Journalists Zhukouski and Tolchyn in Petrykau

    The judge of Petrykau District Court Andrei Bahdanik found a freelance journalist from Homiel Kastus Zhukouski guilty of ‘illegal production of mass media products’ for ‘Belsat’ TV channel on the grounds of article 22.9 part 2 of Belarus Code on Administrative Offenses and fined him 40 base amounts that equals 920 Belarusian rubles (around EUR 400). 

    Huge Fines Imposed on Freelance Journalists Zhukouski and Tolchyn in Petrykau

    The judge of Petrykau District Court Andrei Bahdanik found a freelance journalist from Homiel Kastus Zhukouski guilty of ‘illegal production of mass media products’ for ‘Belsat’ TV channel on the grounds of article 22.9 part 2 of Belarus Code on Administrative Offenses and fined him 40 base amounts that equals 920 Belarusian rubles (around EUR 400). 

    The Dutch Journalists Frightened by Sergeant with Shooting while Reporting from ‘Zakhad-2017’ Military Exercises

    Journalists from a Dutch publication have visited Uladzimir Skrabatun, the Editor-in-chief of ‘Volnaye Hlybokaye’ newspaper, searching for more information about the ‘Zakhad-2017’ military exercises. The Editor got them acquainted with a local freelance reporter Zmitsier Lupach and asked the latter to accompany the guests in the town of Hlybokaye.

    The Dutch Journalists Frightened by Sergeant with Shooting while Reporting from ‘Zakhad-2017’ Military Exercises

    Journalists from a Dutch publication have visited Uladzimir Skrabatun, the Editor-in-chief of ‘Volnaye Hlybokaye’ newspaper, searching for more information about the ‘Zakhad-2017’ military exercises. The Editor got them acquainted with a local freelance reporter Zmitsier Lupach and asked the latter to accompany the guests in the town of Hlybokaye.

    Reinforcement of Repression against Independent Journalists in Homiel

    Two police reports have been drawn up in relation to a journalist Maryna Drabysheuskaya, who cooperates with ‘Belsat’ TV channel and ‘Novy Chas’ newspaper, for the alleged ‘illegal production of mass media product’ (article 22.9 of Belarus Code on Administrative Offenses) in Homiel since recently.

    Reinforcement of Repression against Independent Journalists in Homiel

    Two police reports have been drawn up in relation to a journalist Maryna Drabysheuskaya, who cooperates with ‘Belsat’ TV channel and ‘Novy Chas’ newspaper, for the alleged ‘illegal production of mass media product’ (article 22.9 of Belarus Code on Administrative Offenses) in Homiel since recently.

    E‑NEWSLETTER: MASS MEDIA IN BELARUS Bulletin #2(52) (May – July 2017)


    The Belarusian Association of Journalists Requested the Presidential Administration to Defend Journalists

    The BAJ has addressed to the Head of Presidential Administration Natallia Kachanava with a request to facilitate termination of prosecution in relation to freelance journalists. The latter have been put on trial 35 times since the year start. Among other, the appeal contains a statement about illegality of bringing journalists to administrative responsibility, basing on article 22.9 of Belarus Code of Administrative Offenses.

    The Belarusian Association of Journalists Requested the Presidential Administration to Defend Journalists

    The BAJ has addressed to the Head of Presidential Administration Natallia Kachanava with a request to facilitate termination of prosecution in relation to freelance journalists. The latter have been put on trial 35 times since the year start. Among other, the appeal contains a statement about illegality of bringing journalists to administrative responsibility, basing on article 22.9 of Belarus Code of Administrative Offenses.
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