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    Media IQ and Obychnoe Utro media projects declared extremist formations

    On June 25, the Min­istry of Inter­nal Affairs of Belarus’ web­site includ­ed the Media IQ project (along with affil­i­at­ed social media pages and mes­sen­gers) and the Oby­ch­noe Utro ini­tia­tive on its list of “extrem­ist for­ma­tions”.

    Polish defector judge to become BelTA correspondent

    The new task of Tomasz Schmidt, who already calls him­self a jour­nal­ist and pub­li­cist, is to inter­view invit­ed guests. Do Rzeczy report­ed on the new job of the Pol­ish judge, who is under crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion in Poland.

    Culture and Art Holding website archive blocked for users

    The web­site of the state edi­to­r­i­al and pub­lish­ing orga­ni­za­tion Cul­ture and Art has been unavail­able in the last few days. The kimpress.by vis­i­tors are greet­ed with the fol­low­ing mes­sage: “Account blocked by the serv­er admin­is­tra­tor.”

    Exiled journalists launch fundraisers to cover medical and relocation expenses

    Two Belaru­sian jour­nal­ists in exile are cur­rent­ly run­ning fundrais­ing cam­paigns to raise mon­ey to help them face the chal­lenges of forced migra­tion. Ali­ak­san­dr Kornyshau, edi­tor of the Viteb­sky Kuri­er News pub­li­ca­tion, is seek­ing help for reha­bil­i­ta­tion after hip joint replace­ment surgery.

    Monitoring pro-russian propaganda on belarus state television

    Pro-russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da on belarus state tele­vi­sion. Down­load PDF.

    The representatives of Belarusian propaganda media accredited to cover the Olympics in Paris

    A num­ber of rep­re­sen­ta­tives from these pub­li­ca­tions, along with law enforce­ment offi­cials, par­tic­i­pat­ed in the ques­tion­ing of indi­vid­u­als who had been detained dur­ing peace­ful protests.

    Journalist Alena Tsimashchuk declared political prisoner

    Joint state­ment by the Belaru­sian human rights com­mu­ni­ty.

    Serbia to extradite Andrei Hniot to Belarus

    The Supreme Court of Ser­bia has ruled in favor of extra­dit­ing direc­tor, jour­nal­ist, and founder of the Free Asso­ci­a­tion of Ath­letes Andrei Hniot to Belarus. As the activist him­self informed Zerka­lo, the court found no rea­sons to pre­vent his extra­di­tion. We found out how he assessed the court’s deci­sion and what he plans to do […]

    BAJ expresses condolences on the untimely death of Reporters Without Borders Secretary General

    It is with great sad­ness that we announce the pass­ing of Christophe Deloire, Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al of the inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion Reporters With­out Bor­ders. Deloire, who was 53 years old, died in Paris after a bat­tle with can­cer.

    Brest journalist Alena Tsimashchuk sentenced to 5 years in prison and huge fine

    The Brest Region­al Court hand­ed down a five-year prison sen­tence and a $14,000 fine to local jour­nal­ist Ale­na Tsi­mashchuk. The tri­al com­menced on Fri­day, May 31, and at the next ses­sion on June 3, Judge Dzmit­ry Karasin­s­ki deliv­ered a guilty ver­dict.

    Journalist Andrei Hniot placed under house arrest

    On Octo­ber 30, 2023, at the request of the Belaru­sian regime, the Ser­bian Bor­der Guard detained jour­nal­ist and film direc­tor Andrei Hniot. Today’s imme­di­ate goal is to pre­vent his extra­di­tion to Belarus.

    E‑newsletter mass media in Belarus: January-April 2024

    Sit­u­a­tion in belarus mass media field: jan­u­ary-april 2024, review. Down­load PDF.

    Journalist Alena Tsimashchuk faces trial in Brest: accused of discreditation, inciting hatred, and extremism

    The sched­ule of the Brest Region­al Court for May 31 indi­cat­ed that an indi­vid­ual named Ale­na Tsi­mashchuk would be tried on three charges: dis­cred­it­ing the Repub­lic of Belarus, incite­ment to hos­til­i­ty or dis­cord, and par­tic­i­pa­tion in an extrem­ist for­ma­tion.

    Supreme Court upholds sentence of Ales Marchanka convicted for cooperation with Belsat TV

    On June 4, the Supreme Court con­sid­ered the appeal of Ales Marchanka, who was sen­tenced to prison. The appeal was dis­missed by Judge Ali­ak­sei Khlyshchank­ou.

    Journalist Andrei Tolchyn added to Interior Ministry’s list of “extremists,” while Supreme Court rejects appeal against his conviction

    On May 24, the Supreme Court reject­ed Andrei Tolchyn’s appeal. Supreme Court Judge Ali­ak­sei Rybak­ou upheld the sen­tence of the court of first instance – two and a half years in prison.
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