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  • BAJ pleades with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health Care, Department of Corrections for hospitalizing Andrzej Paczobut

    BAJ letter with the request to hospitalize political prisoner, journalist Andrzej Paczobut, who has got Covid-19 in jail, and also has heart problems, was sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health Care, the Department of Corrections and its structural subdivisions — Minsk and Minsk region office, and Zhodzina prison number 8, where the journalist is kept.

    Here is the full text of the let­ter:

    Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists learned that BAJ mem­ber, jour­nal­ist Andrzej Pac­zobut, who is in cus­tody in prison #8 «does not receive the much-need­ed med­ical care. Media and Andrze­j’s fam­i­ly report that he has got Covid-19, but con­tin­ues to stay in an over­crowd­ed cell with twelve oth­er peo­ple.

    Andrzej Pac­zobut has a coro­nary heart dis­ease. Hav­ing coro­na in his cur­rent con­di­tions (includ­ing restric­tions on sit­ting or lying dur­ing the day), jeop­ar­dizes Andrze­j’s health and life. In addi­tion, all his cell­mates as well as the staff of the cor­rec­tion­al facil­i­ty are at risk of get­ting the infec­tion.

    We ask to imme­di­ate­ly hos­pi­tal­ize Andrzej Pac­zobut and pro­vide him with the nec­es­sary med­ical care. We draw your atten­tion that the cur­rent arrange­ment does not meet any med­ical or legal require­ments of pre­tri­al deten­tion of per­sons whose guilt has not even been estab­lished by court. It is even more unac­cept­able dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, as it under­mines the health of the peo­ple and puts their lives at risk.»

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