BAJ: The Verdict on ‘Belsat’ Case Shows the Use of the Law against the Freedom of Media
The Belarusian Association of Journalists considers a court decision on the case of ‘Belsat’ TV journalist Aliaksandr Barazenka to be unfair and oppressing freedom of speech in the country.
The case is indicative, since it shows how the authorities apply the copyright law against the freedom of media in Belarus.
The BAJ Chairperson Andrei Bastunets says that the recent decision on imposing a fine on the journalist and seizing his property look like a part of the well-planned campaign on harassing the journalists, who contribute to the ‘Belsat’ TV channel.
It is worth mentioning that independent journalists have been fined no less than 46 times for cooperation with ‘Belsat’ this year.
The Belarusian Association of Journalists calls upon the Belarusian official authorities to terminate the prosecution of ‘Belsat’ TV journalists immediately.