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  • Belarus Closes Borders With Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine And Latvia

    In the afternoon, TUT.BY had reports coming in about Belarusians having problems with getting back home from Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Latvia. Later the State Border Committee commented on the situation with border closures.

    “Due to the cur­rent epi­dem­ic sit­u­a­tion in neigh­bor­ing coun­tries, Belarus tem­porar­i­ly restricts entry into its ter­ri­to­ry through ground check­points for cer­tain cat­e­gories of indi­vid­u­als from Latvia, Lithua­nia, Poland and Ukraine,” the the State Bor­der Com­mit­tee said.

    The restric­tions do not apply to:

    • mem­bers of diplo­mat­ic mis­sions and con­sular posts with diplo­mat­ic and ser­vice pass­ports,

    • inter­state long-haul dri­vers,

    • mem­bers of train and loco­mo­tive crews of inter­na­tion­al rail­way com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

    At the same time, the check­point at the Nation­al Air­port Min­sk oper­ates with­out restric­tions.

    The current situation at the borders

    Only trucks and diplo­mat­ic vehi­cles are now allowed into Belarus. Peo­ple are allowed to leave Belarus.

    Inter­na­tion­al bus dri­vers and pas­sen­gers are warned that they will not be able to return if they now cross the bor­der on exit. The dri­vers refuse to go fur­ther, some pas­sen­gers are look­ing for an oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­tin­ue the trip.

    The ear­li­est reports about the pro­hi­bi­tion on entry emerged at about 3.30 pm. First, such reports came from Poland, then from Lithua­nia, Latvia and Ukraine. TUT.BY sources in Poland not­ed that the deci­sion to close the bor­der did not come from the Pol­ish side.

    Lat­er, TUT.BY read­ers report­ed that bor­der guards allowed Belaru­sians com­ing from Ukraine to enter Belarus.

    At the bor­der with Latvia, bor­der guards warn dri­vers of pas­sen­ger cars: “You can leave the coun­try, but you won’t be allowed back in.” Two check­points on the Belaru­sian-Lat­vian bor­der work only for depar­ture.

    At the Kuznit­sa check­point, the Pol­ish side told Bel­sat that “the move­ment of bus­es and cars has been stopped, the trucks are allowed into the coun­try.”

    At the Bobrovni­ki check­point, they advised “to appeal to the Belaru­sian side for clar­i­fi­ca­tions”.

    A reg­u­lar bus from War­saw was allowed into the coun­try at the Bruz­gi check­point on the Belaru­sian-Pol­ish bor­der.

    The infor­ma­tion ser­vice of Min­sk Nation­al Air­port report­ed that “the bor­der is open, planes arrive and depart.”

    Sergei was com­ing home from Kyiv through the Novaya Guta check­point. The man spent sev­er­al hours at the Belarus-Ukraine bor­der until he was allowed into the coun­try. When he approached bor­der guards to clar­i­fy the sit­u­a­tion, he was told that “they will do some­thing with the Belaru­sians, but will not let for­eign­ers in”.

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