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  • Belarus: Stop harassment of independent media outlet TUT.BY

    ARTICLE 19 is appalled by the latest crackdown on TUT.BY, one of the most popular internet news outlets in Belarus. On 18 May 2021, access to the website was blocked, including via VPN. Law enforcement agents searched TUT.BY’s offices of the outlet and a criminal case has been opened against it for “tax evasion”. Additionally, a number of people related to the outlet have been detained. 

    Launched in 2000, TUT.BY is con­sid­ered the main inde­pen­dent online news out­let in the coun­try. It is an impor­tant source of infor­ma­tion for Belaru­sians look­ing for objec­tive infor­ma­tion about the sit­u­a­tion in the coun­try. Since August 2020,TUT.BY has report­ed on demon­stra­tions and the ongo­ing crack­down on pro­test­ers, activists, jour­nal­ists and human rights defend­ers. One of TUT.BY’s jour­nal­ists, Kat­siary­na Bary­se­vich, was sen­tenced to six months in prison for inves­ti­gat­ing the death of a pro­test­er Raman Ban­daren­ka.

    TUT.BY is not the only online resource blocked in the after­math of the August 2020 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion; dozens of oth­ers have been cen­sored, includ­ing Euro­ra­dio, Bel­sat, and most recent­ly – Probono.by. For this rea­son many peo­ple switch to fol­low­ing inde­pen­dent infor­ma­tion on Telegram and oth­er social media, but the author­i­ties tar­get such chan­nels and their admin­is­tra­tors too.

    “Online space in Belarus is shrink­ing dra­mat­i­cal­ly,” said Sarah Clarke, Head of Europe and Cen­tral Asia. “In addi­tion to block­ing Inter­net resources, we have seen repeat­ed Inter­net shut­downs and dis­rup­tions when­ev­er the peo­ple of Belarus took to the streets. There are cur­rent­ly 16 jour­nal­ists behind bars, many blog­gers, and hun­dreds of activists and pro­test­ers. The inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty must act, they can­not go back to ‘busi­ness as usu­al’ with the regime – more sanc­tions are need­ed.” 

    Accord­ing to the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists, the Gen­er­al Prosecutor’s Office found the TUT.BY web­site had vio­lat­ed  the Law on Mass Media on numer­ous counts, chiefly in rela­tion to the pub­lish­ing and shar­ing of banned infor­ma­tion in a num­ber of pub­li­ca­tions. These mate­ri­als con­tained infor­ma­tion about the unreg­is­tered BYSOL foun­da­tion, which col­lects funds to sup­port vic­tims of human rights vio­la­tions and per­se­cu­tion since August 2020. 

    ARTICLE 19 con­demns the ongo­ing crack­down on free­dom of expres­sion in Belarus and stands in sol­i­dar­i­ty with per­se­cut­ed media work­ers. We call on the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty to strength­en the sanc­tions against the regime and to sup­port media and civ­il soci­ety in the coun­try as they oper­ate in a increas­ing­ly hos­tile and dan­ger­ous envi­ron­ment.

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