Belarusian Customs Office Seize“Extremist” Products from Ukrainian Journalists
The information appeared on Facebook page of Alexander Doniy: he and four his colleagues were going to Vilnius via Belarus with the cultural program Last Barricade which is broadcast on the Ukrainian Central channel.
The searches on the border lasted five hours.
The Ukrainians were accused of an attempt to import “extremist print and audio products”. In all, 22 copies were seized: five discs of the documentary “Ukrainian revolution” about the events in 1917 – 1921, discs “Musical Hundred. Majdan”, the disc “Last Barricade” and a disc about Golodomor in Ukraine. Also 11 books were confiscated, among them – “Confession from a cell of the sentenced to death”, “Marshal Zhukov. Ukrainians in the 2nd world war”. Also the border guards asked about video and photo cameras.
The customs office wanted the journalists to wash off the words “Last Barricade” written on their microbus.
(Corrections: it was seizure, not confiscation, performed by customs office)