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  • Belarusian TV Channels Won’t Broadcast the Nobel Prize Ceremony

    The Belarusian TV and Radio Company, and main Belarusian TV channels ONT and STV are not planning to broadcast the Nobel Award Ceremony where the Belarusian writer Sviatlana Alexievich will receive the Nobel Prize in literature.

    Screen­shot of the page of online broad­cast­ing of the cer­e­mo­ny

    The infor­ma­tion was report­ed by Tut.by, quot­ing the press ser­vice of the chan­nels. The infor­ma­tion appeared after on Decem­ber 1, the Belaru­sian Lan­guage Soci­ety appealed to the chan­nel admin­is­tra­tion to orga­nize the broad­cast­ing of the event because of its his­toric impor­tance.

    “The Belaru­sian TV and Radio Com­pa­ny did not plan to buy the rights to broad­cast the Nobel Award Cer­e­mo­ny because of cer­tain orga­ni­za­tion­al, tech­ni­cal, finan­cial and legal issues,” said the spokesper­son for the com­pa­ny Svi­at­lana Smalon­ska­ja-Kra­souska­ja.

    In an inter­view on Decem­ber 2, Svi­at­lana Alex­ievich said that her Nobel Prize speech could be quite tough. “It will be a sto­ry about what I’ve been doing for 40 years, a sto­ry about the “red man” which I describe in my books and who keeps liv­ing in each of us. I will tell also about the mod­ern Belarus, about the young peo­ple who went out to the squares to fight for free­dom of their coun­try,” she said.

    The cer­e­mo­ny will be broad­cast on the Inter­net, the lec­ture on lit­er­a­ture on Decem­ber 7 and the cer­e­mo­ny on Decem­ber 10:



    Bel­sat TV chan­nel also orga­nizes re-broad­cast­ing of the cer­e­mo­ny, with trans­la­tion of the most inter­est­ing pieces into Belaru­sian.

    There will also be col­lec­tive watch­ing of the lec­ture and the cer­e­mo­ny.

    There is a dis­cus­sion going on in social nets about hold­ing a flash mob Cel­e­brat­ing Nobel Togeth­er.

    Pho­to of teh award­ing cer­e­mo­ny from 2014, pho­to from meltwater.pressify.io



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