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  • Belsat journalist in hospital after three days at Akrestsina. She was beaten by a wardress

    Now the journalist is looking for cellmates who may also have suffered from the wardress who beat the girls.

    Bel­sat jour­nal­ist Ale­na Dubovik was detained in the evening of August 10 near the Cen­tral­ny police depart­ment. She was detained along with anoth­er jour­nal­ist, Tat­siana Belasho­va. They went there to find out the fate of Bel­sat cam­era­man Vitaly Dubik. just to get detained near the build­ing of the police depart­ment. They all had press vests and were marked as jour­nal­ists. But this did not stop the riot police.

    And then … then the bru­tal­i­ty start­ed.

    – They start­ed hit­ting me right away. There was a woman. In uni­form. I don’t know what kind of uni­form it was, I don’t remem­ber. She was a wardress.  She beat all the girls. Then, on the 13th, dur­ing the tri­al, I refused to sign a paper stat­ing that I was detained near the Riga shop­ping cen­ter. I was tak­en out into the cor­ri­dor, and this woman start­ed hit­ting me again — with her knee in the stom­ach, – Ale­na Dubovik recalls those ter­ri­ble days.

    But the jour­nal­ist did not back down. After long sua­sion, they had to rewrite the report: I was detained near the police depart­ment. .

    – I know that a lot of peo­ple have writ­ten and talked about this wardress. They say that her name seems to be Krystsi­na. Maybe anoth­er name. She is blond, with long hair, about 30 years old. I real­ly want to find the oth­er girls who suf­fered at the hands and feet of this wardress. I was held in the deten­tion cen­ter on the sec­ond floor, cham­ber 9. . If some­one knows the name of the wardress, let me know,» Ale­na says.

    Now Ale­na is in hos­pi­tal with a sus­pect­ed rup­ture of the ovary. Ale­na and her fam­i­ly are going to file com­plaints with all pos­si­ble author­i­ties, includ­ing inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tions.

    Bel­sat asks all jour­nal­is­tic orga­ni­za­tions, includ­ing inter­na­tion­al ones, to sup­port Ale­na.

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