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  • Belsat journalists detained in Shklou, their phones seized

    Three Belsat journalists were detained in Shklou. About three hours later they were released, but their phones were taken away.

    Cor­re­spon­dents Stanis­lau Ivashke­vich, Vol­ha Rat­mi­ra­va and cam­era­man Ivan Murauiou were detained in Shk­lou while mak­ing the inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ism pro­gram.

    The deten­tion took place at around 15:30.

    At the time of deten­tion, they had not even had time to start record­ing and to get the equip­ment out of the car. The jour­nal­ists saw that they were being fol­lowed and decid­ed to leave, but did not have time to do so.

    At 7 p.m. it was report­ed that all three jour­nal­ists were released from Shk­lou police precinct, but their phones were tak­en away. Both the rea­son for the deten­tion and the rea­son for tak­ing away the equip­ment are unknown.

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