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  • Belsat journalists to lose car and property if they don’t pay fines

    Volha Czajczyc and Andrei Kozel will lose their property if they do not pay fines for professional activities within two weeks. Court officers have threatened our colleagues with social welfare agencies.


    On July 13, Yana Vasyuk, the court offi­cer of the Depart­ment of Forced Exe­cu­tion of the Dzyarzhyn­sk Dis­trict, came to the jour­nal­ists of Bel­sat Vol­ha Cza­jczyc and Andrei Kozel.


    “They took stock of our phone, and they took all the mon­ey from our wal­lets. They also took inven­to­ry of the car and took a note that we would not sell it and do not break it. Now we are crim­i­nal­ly respon­si­ble for the safe­ty of our things. The house in which we are reg­is­tered belongs to Andrei’s moth­er — that’s why Yana Vasyuk said that she needs to con­tact the social ser­vices: how do chil­dren live in a sit­u­a­tion when we do not have prop­er­ty?” said Vol­ha Cza­jczyc.

    Just this year the Belaru­sian courts imposed a total of 12 fines on Vol­ha and Andrei (our col­leagues have to pay almost 9,000 BYN to the state). The rea­son for the per­se­cu­tion of jour­nal­ists is pro­fes­sion­al activ­i­ty. All cas­es were ini­ti­at­ed under Arti­cle 22.9 of the Code of Admin­is­tra­tive Offens­es — “pro­duc­tion or dis­tri­b­u­tion of media mate­ri­als”.

    “If we do not pay the fine with­in two weeks, this prop­er­ty will be tak­en away. They also said that they would think about what to take away from us to cov­er the fines,” Vol­ha added.

    Vol­ha and Andrei have not paid a sin­gle fine in 2018.

    Last year, jour­nal­ists of Bel­sat paid fines for over $ 25,000. Prob­a­bly the cur­rent amount of fines will become even greater: only for the first 6 months of this year the judges imposed more than BYN 46,253 on jour­nal­ists of TV chan­nel.

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