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  • Belsat TV journalist Katsyaryna Andreyeva transferred to penal colony in Homiel

    A few days ago, journalist Ihar Ilyash, the husband of our imprisoned collegue Katsyaryna Andreyeva, was informed that his wife was transferred to the penal colony in Homiel, where she would serve the term.

    On May 19, she was trans­port­ed to the pre-tri­al deten­tion cen­tre in Mahil­iou.

    As of today, there is no exact infor­ma­tion about the where­abouts of Darya Chultso­va, anoth­er con­vict­ed jour­nal­ist.

    Before the trans­fer to Mahil­iou, Bel­sat TV con­trib­u­tors Kat­syary­na Andreye­va and Darya Chultso­va had been held in the remand prison in Zhodz­i­na over the past two months; the prison author­i­ties list­ed them as ‘per­sons prone to extrem­ism’. In late April, Min­sk City Court reject­ed their appeals, uphold­ing the sen­tences imposed on them; after that, the girls were expect­ed to be tak­en to women’s penal colony in the city of Homiel.

    You can sup­port our jour­nal­ist with the help of your let­ters and telegrams:

    Кацярыне Бахвалавай (Андрэевай)

    ПК №4, вул. Антошкіна, 3

    246035, г. Гомель, Беларусь

    Kat­syary­na Bakhvalava (Andreye­va)

    Penal colony Nr 4, Antoshkin Street 3

    246035 Homiel, Belarus

    The two Bel­sat­ters have been behind bars for over ten months.

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