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  • Blogger Andrei Pavuk gets 15 days of jail

     In Aktsiabrski, Homel region, the police detained a local blogger and BAJ member Andrei Pavuk. He is charged with failure to obey the police. He was detained on August 7, his wife Volha reported.

    In the evening BAJ learned that Andrei had been sentenced to 15 days of arrest.

    Фото: Ольга Паук

    Akt­siabrs­ki police refused to pro­vide any infor­ma­tion to BAJ about the detained blog­ger.

    It seems that the police detained the well-known blog­ger, along with his col­leagues and activists, ‘pre­ven­tive­ly’, to hin­der the spread of infor­ma­tion about the vot­ing results.

    This is not Andrei’s first deten­tion in the run up to impor­tant events in the coun­try. Also, he received numer­ous threats by email and was even accused of alleged call­ing in a fake bomb threat. The police failed to find those who orga­nized provo­ca­tions and per­son­al threats against Pavuk.

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