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  • Blogger Proves Innocence in Court

    Blogger Raman Pratasevich cleared off police’s charges thanks to university: he proved he had been sitting an exam while the police allegedly saw him at a kind of an unsanctioned mass event in Kurapaty on February 25.

    The hear­ing start­ed on April 10. Raman Prata­se­vich was charged with par­tic­i­pa­tion in an unsanc­tioned event at the con­struc­tion site in Kura­p­aty (it should be remind­ed that the protests at Kura­p­aty, the place of mass buri­als of vic­tims of Sovi­et repres­sions, were suc­cess­ful – the devel­op­er com­pa­ny gave up with its plans to build a busi­ness cen­ter there; how­ev­er, civ­il activists who stood on a pick­er there  are being pros­e­cut­ed now).

    Accord­ing to the charges, the stu­dent was an active par­tic­i­pant of the unlaw­ful pick­et on the con­struc­tion site at Mirash­nichen­ka str., 49 at 10 am on Feb­ru­ary 25. The blog­ger brought a notice from the dean’s office that he was sit­ting an exam on that day from 10 am to 12 am. Judge Dzmit­ry Tsykal found the offi­cial paper insuf­fi­cient and sum­moned the exam­in­ers. Today they con­firmed this infor­ma­tion in court. The judge declared Raman Prata­se­vich non-guilty and closed the admin­is­tra­tive case.

    Raman Prata­se­vich had served a 10 days’ arrest after deten­tion on March 26 close to Kas­trych­nit­skaya Square in Min­sk.

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