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  • Blogger to Spend 19 Days in Jail

    Blogger Maxim Filipovich was sentenced to 14 days’ arrest for participation in an unsanctioned mass event; but today a judge in another trial added 5 days more, reports the Radio Svaboda.

    The blog­ger from Homel was sen­tenced to 14 days behind bars for par­tic­i­pa­tion in an action of protest on March 11 in Pin­sk. The police attempt­ed to detain the blog­ger, who had already been quite pop­u­lar for his activ­i­ties against decree No 3, but pro­test­ers saw him off to the rail­ways sta­tion. So, the first tri­al took place in absen­tia – the blog­ger ignored the sum­mons, and was detained after­wards on March 13.

    Today, the Sovi­et dis­trict court of Homel sen­tenced him to five days more for par­tic­i­pa­tion in anoth­er protest action – in Brest.

    The blog­gers’ rel­a­tives attend­ed the hear­ing. The accused dis­missed the tes­ti­mo­ny in the police’s report: “It’s total lie and libel. I did not shout slo­gans and did not lead the col­umn. I was record­ing what was hap­pen­ing in the streets of Brest.”

    The blog­ger stopped his hunger strike on March 18.

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