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  • Chairperson of BT Gets Away with a Violation of Electoral Law

    Henadz Davydzka, chairperson of the Belarusian TV and Radio Company, has started work as a proxy for Aliaksandr Lukashenka as a presidential candidate since September 10. However, on September 11 he anchored the program Editors’ Club on TV (broadcast September 13), which is a violation of law, as journalists and media officials are prohibited to report on electoral campaign in the media and are prohibited to host TV and radio programs if they are candidates’ agents.

    The chair­per­son of the Cen­tral Elec­toral Com­mit­tee Lidziya Yarmoshy­na reg­is­tered a com­plaint against Henadz Davy­dz­ka and gave a rep­ri­mand to the proxy. How­ev­er, the action is not exact­ly what the Elec­toral Code envis­ages: if a proxy vio­lates the law, CEC issues a warn­ing to the can­di­date, two warn­ings are enough to can­cel the candidate’s reg­is­tra­tion.

    The Euro­ra­dio addressed the ques­tion to Lidziya Yarmoshy­na, stat­ing that a rep­ri­mand to the candidate’s proxy was not the right mea­sure. The CEC chair­per­son agreed: “There isn’t such thing in the Code. It is a pre­ven­tive mea­sure. And do you need that I would shoot him for this?”

    Henadz Davy­dz­ka says there was no vio­la­tion: when the pro­gram was record­ed, he still did not have the proxy’s man­date.

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