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  • Citizen Sentenced to Forced Medical Treatment for Insult of President and Judges

    On April 12, the Frunzenski district court of Minsk found Aliaksandr Lapitski guilty according to articles 368, 369 and 361 of the Criminal Code of Belarus (public insult against the president, public officials and judges while performing professional duties).

    Ali­ak­san­dr Lapit­s­ki had been send­ing lots of let­ters addressed to the pres­i­dent of Belarus, judges and oth­er pub­lic offi­cials.

    The court exempt him from serv­ing the penal­ty stat­ing that the 79-year old Min­sk city res­i­dent accom­plished the actions in the state of inad­e­qua­cy. Lapit­s­ki was assigned to psy­chi­atric treat­ment.

    The court also made a spe­cial rul­ing to TUT.by demand­ing to delete Ali­ak­san­dr Lapitski’s e‑mail box.

    Human rights activist Aleh Volchak, who attend­ed the tri­al, says that the hear­ing took very lit­tle time – the rul­ing was issued in a day. He thinks that the deci­sion was unground­ed.

    The human rights cen­ter Vias­na denounced the deci­sion, stat­ing that the cit­i­zen had exer­cised his free­dom of speech. The cen­ter argues that pub­lic offi­cials should not enjoy spe­cial pro­tec­tion against defam­a­to­ry state­ments as com­pared to ordi­nary cit­i­zens; also, that per­son­al lib­er­ty should not be restrict­ed unless there is real threat to pub­lic and indi­vid­ual safe­ty.

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