BAJ carries on, or what to expect after the searches
The Belarusian Association of Journalists is a registered organization that strictly follows the legislation and its Statute, and protects the rights and legitimate interests of its members. BAJ is a member of the International and European Federations of Journalists, and IFEX network, and we thank our colleagues around the world for their solidarity and support.
How will the searches affect our work
BAJ office is sealed, which significantly complicates our work: we have no access to the seal and documents. However, we intend to continue our legitimate activities. We addressed the Investigative Committee with a request to return the seal, statutory documents and access to the office.
Membership fees and bank account. The bank account of BAJ was arrested, although we did not even receive a notification about it. But you can still pay your membership fees and donate to the account through the website. This money will still be written off as mandatory payments to the budget.
Membership lists.During the search, the journalists’ membership applications with their personal data, were seized. The law obliged us to keep these documents in the office. However, there is a theoretical possibility that journalists may be called in for questioning. If this happens, do not be afraid — we are all members of a registered organization and work in full compliance with the law.
If you have any questions or need advice, please contact us.
BAJ Congress on April 16. We continue to prepare for the Congress of the Belarusian Association of Journalists, which is scheduled for April 16. We encourage BAJ members to nominate delegates: you can find more details on how to do this HERE.
Most importantly, BAJ thanks all partners and colleagues in Belarus and all over the world for their solidarity with us and all Belarusian journalists.
You can still contact BAJ by phone +375291267098 or via email