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  • Editors Demand Air Time on State TV to Speak about Media Role

    A letter requesting airtime on the Belarusian Television was signed by influential media managers, including Maryna Zolatava, chief editor of TUT.by; Andrey Dynko, chief editor of Nasha Niva newspaper, Sviatlana Kalinkina, editor of Narodnaya Volya newspaper, Aliaksandr Starykevich, chief editor of Solidarity online newspaper, and Andrei Bastunets, the chairperson of BAJ.

    Рэдактары недзяржаўных СМІ звярнуліся ў Белтэлерадыёкампанію

    The media rep­re­sen­ta­tives want to talk about the role of mass media; they men­tion a pro­gram Edi­tors’ Club, dat­ed Feb­ru­ary 7, was ded­i­cat­ed to the issue of free­dom of speech; the edi­tors think that in the pro­gram, jour­nal­ists of non-state media were men­tioned sev­er­al times in neg­a­tive light; jour­nal­ists were split into antag­o­nist groups, labeled with neg­a­tive notions, gen­er­al­ly, those who “do not stick to the posi­tion of the state” were dero­gat­ed. The peti­tion­ers demand to give word to inde­pen­dent media rep­re­sen­ta­tives on the state TV, to dis­cuss the issues reflect­ed in two lat­est pro­grams of the Edi­tors’ Club. The let­ter was addressed to Henadz Davy­dz­ka, chair of the BT.

    The pre­vi­ous pro­gram of the Edi­tors’ Club was ded­i­cat­ed to the recent inci­dent when a cor­re­spon­dent of TUT.by was beat­en in a build­ing of court. In fact, the chief edi­tor of news­pa­per SB.Belarus Segod­nya (Sovi­et Belorus­sia, top news­pa­per in terms of cir­cu­la­tion) Pavel Yakubovich and the head of BelTA news agency Dzmit­ry Zhuk picked the side of the police­men. Only edi­tor of Kom­so­mol­skaya Prav­da Hali­na Mal­isheuskaya insist­ed that jour­nal­ists are not to be beat­en. The lat­est issue of the Edi­tors’ Club sound­ed like “why mass media esca­late hys­te­ria and why they tar­get­ed at the police”; one of the guest speak­ers was Min­is­ter of Infor­ma­tion Liliya Ananich.

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