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  • Expert Testifies the Radiation Tests Were Incorrect

    On December 7, the Economic Court of Minsk continued consideration of the lawsuit filed by Milkavita dairy company against an AP correspondent Yuras Karmanau.

    The defen­dant is rep­re­sent­ed by lawyer Siarhei Zikrats­ki and BAJ lawyer and chair­per­son Andrei Bas­tunets. The pre­sid­ing judge is Tat­siana Sape­ha. Briefly, the court declines most motions of the defen­dant.

    The court heard the tes­ti­monies of the correspondent’s col­leagues who con­firmed that the milk had been bought from the farmer Nikalay Chu­bianok and brought to the Cen­ter of Hygiene for test­ing.

    The defen­dant argues that the infor­ma­tion of the jour­nal­is­tic inves­ti­ga­tion relat­ed to the farmer and not to the dairy com­pa­ny Milka­vi­ta, so in fact Milka­vi­ta was unre­lat­ed as a plain­tiff. Today, the defen­dant motioned to attach a lin­guis­tic exam­i­na­tion of the claims held by a lin­guist of the State Yakub Kolas Lin­guis­tic Insti­tute: the expert con­clu­sion says that all frag­ments of the text, quot­ed in Milka­vi­ta law­suit, refer to the farmer, and not to the dairy com­pa­ny. How­ev­er, the court dis­missed the argu­ment.

    Also, the court dis­missed Yuras Karmanau’s motion to involve the Cen­ter of Hygiene and Epi­demi­ol­o­gy as co-defen­dant.

    This Wednes­day, the chief engi­neer of the Cen­ter Aksana Drabysheuskaya told that the data on stron­tium could not be treat­ed as valid because estab­lish­ing con­t­a­m­i­na­tion by this ele­ment requires a com­pli­cat­ed and long-last­ing pro­ce­dure. The data indi­cat­ed in the print­out that was hand­ed in to the reporter were not pre­cise because it was impos­si­ble to hold cor­rect mea­sure­ments in liq­uid state.

    The judge ordered the expert to present tech­ni­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tions of the equip­ment that was used in the tests.

    The hear­ing con­tin­ues on Decem­ber 9, at 2 pm.

    At the pre­vi­ous hear­ing, on Novem­ber 28, the court dis­missed the motion to allow Asso­ci­at­ed Press agency as co-defen­dant. Also, the plain­tiff changed the ear­li­er claim of refu­ta­tion: now the com­pa­ny does not want the refu­ta­tion to be pub­lished by the agency and some oth­er out­lets who repost­ed that inves­ti­ga­tion; now the plain­tiff wants the reporter to send an offi­cial refu­ta­tion to the agency say­ing that the infor­ma­tion sub­mit for the report was no true.

    Back­ground of the sto­ry Dairy Com­pa­ny Sues AP Jour­nal­ist for Report about Radioac­tive Milk (Upd)

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