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  • Journalists detained and beaten intentionally Stop the violence! LIST

    Media representatives were attacked and detained in Minsk and other cities of Belarus on Tuesday, August 11.

    The Belarusian Association of Journalists calls on the authorities to stop the violence.

    A riot police offi­cer strikes a jour­nal­ist. Min­sk, 11 August. Video of the inci­dent https://t.me/onlinerby/14028

    Updat­ed at 11:00 a.m.

    Jour­nal­ists detained on August 11 in Min­sk and not released: Pavel Pat­a­pau, Ivan Murauy­ou, and Mak­sim Berazin­s­ki.

    The jour­nal­ists who were snatched ear­li­er and remain in deten­tion: Yahor Martsi­novich, Tat­siana Belasho­va, Vitaly Dubik, Ale­na Shcharbin­skaya, Alexan­der Pashke­vich, Ali­ak­sei Khu­danau, Miki­ta Tselizhen­ka, Witold Dobrowol­s­ki (Poland), and film direc­tor Mak­sim Shved.

    The Inte­ri­or Min­istry does not pro­vide infor­ma­tion about their loca­tion or what they are charged with.

    On August 11, the secu­ri­ty forces con­scious­ly used vio­lence against these jour­nal­ists, delib­er­ate­ly dam­aged their equip­ment, and seized flash cards with footage. Such attacks were expe­ri­enced by jour­nal­ists Siarhei Hryts, Vadz­im Zamirous­ki, Nadzeya Buzhan, Uladzis­lau Baryso­vich, Ышфкруш Ptushko, Daria Burak­i­na, Usieval­ad Zaru­bin, and three BBC jour­nal­ists.

    The fol­low­ing jour­nal­ists were detained and are await­ing tri­al in Belarus regions: Rus­lan Kule­vich (Hrod­na), Alexan­der Dzian­isau (Hrod­no), Yauhen Val­adashchuk (Slonim), Stanis­lau Kor­shu­nau (Brest), Yauhen Nikalayevich (Pin­sk), Ali­na Skrabuno­va (Mahil­iou), Alexan­der Sidareus­ki (Mahil­iou), Dzmit­ry Salauy­ou (Mahil­iou), Dzmit­ry Kaza­ke­vich (Viteb­sk), Ihar Matveyeu (Viteb­sk), Yauhen Yushk­ous­ki (Babruisk), Ales Chy­hir (Babruisk), and Yauhen Hla­holeu-Vaskovich (Babruisk).

    The list is updat­ed. Live updates here and at BAJ telegram chan­nel.

    Jour­nal­ists do not par­tic­i­pate in protests. Accord­ing to the law on mass media, the Con­sti­tu­tion and inter­na­tion­al law, they have the right to cov­er protests.

    The Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists calls on the author­i­ties to imme­di­ate­ly stop attacks and deten­tions of media rep­re­sen­ta­tives, and to release and drop charges against the jour­nal­ists in deten­tion.

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