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  • Journalists detained while covering street protests LIST, VIDEO

    Journalists who live stream street protests are being detained in Belarus in the evening of July 14th. The Belarusian Association of Journalists knows about 14 detained journalists who were doing their job.


    Jour­nal­ists of the Euro­pean Radio for Belarus (Euro­ra­dio) Mikhail Ilyin and Art­siom May­orau were detained while live stream­ing from Pier­amo­hi square. They were forced into the mini bus while still film­ing. One could hear how Mikhail Ilyin was shout­ing “We are jour­nal­ists”. Their press badges were vis­i­ble. Despite that plain­clothes police­men detained them and lat­er moved them into the pris­on­er trans­port vehi­cle.

    At about 11 pm Ilyin and May­orau were released from the police depart­ment with­out any reports.

    Cor­re­spon­dent of the TUT.BY por­tal Ali­ak­sei Sud­nikau was briefly detained and then released at the Nieza­lez­nasci avenue. He was lat­er detained again, was tak­en to the police depart­ment.

    At about 02.20 pm Sud­nikau was released from the police depart­ment with­out any reports.

    TUT.BY cor­re­spon­dent Use­val­ad Zaru­bin was detained and tak­en to the police depart­ment.

    At about 02.20 pm Zaru­bin was released from the police depart­ment with­out any reports.

    Free­lancer for Novy Cas Art­siom Lia­va was detained and put into the pris­on­er trans­port vehi­cle near Kas­tryc­nick­a­ja square.

    At about 05.00 pm Lia­va was released from the police depart­ment with­out any reports.

    Jour­nal­ists of RFE/RL Ales Pilet­s­ki and Andrey Rabchyk were detained on air while live stream­ing from the street.

    At about 11 pm Pilet­s­ki and Rabchyk were released from the police depart­ment with­out any reports.

    Jour­nal­ist of Bel­sat TV Kat­siary­na Andree­va was also detained while stream­ing.

    At about 00.20 pm Andree­va was released from the police depart­ment. A report under Art. 23.34 of the Admin­is­tra­tive Code (Vio­la­tion of the order of orga­niz­ing or hold­ing mass events).

    Jour­nal­ist of Bel­sat TV Ihar Ilyash was detained and brought to the Savet­s­ki dis­trict police depart­men.

    At about 11.50 pm Ilyash was released from the police depart­ment.

    BBC oper­a­tor Andy Smythe was detained.

      At about 11.40 pm Smythe was released from the police depart­ment with­out any reports.



    Gomel.Today cor­re­spon­dent Nadzeya Puzhyn­skaya, cam­er­a­woman Mary­na Drabysheuskaya, jour­nal­ist Yury Hlushak­ou were detained while stream­ing protests live. Nadzeya Puzhyn­skaya and Mary­na Drabysheuskaya were trans­port­ed to the Homel Cen­tral Dis­trict Depart­ment of Inte­ri­or.

    Puzhyn­skaya and Draby­shevskaya were released with­out any reports.

    Glushak­ou was released after 1 am. A report under Art. 23.34 of the Admin­is­tra­tive Code (Vio­la­tion of the order of orga­niz­ing or hold­ing mass events).



    When TUT.BY cor­re­spon­dent Stas Kor­shu­nau start­ed film­ing deten­tions of pro­test­ers, he was pushed away, his cam­era was obstruct­ed. 

    Dani­la Palyan­s­ki from Per­shy Rehion was detained in Masher­a­va Ave while mak­ing pho­tos of the street protests. Palyan­s­ki told the police at he was not par­tic­i­pat­ing in the protests and mere­ly pho­tographed them. How­ev­er he was told that he had been stand­ing in one place for too long and there­fore had to go to the pris­on­er trans­port vehi­cle for fur­ther clar­i­fi­ca­tions. He was trans­ferred to the Brest Lenin­s­ki Dis­trict Depart­ment of Inte­ri­or.

    Dani­la had a free­lance jour­nal­ist’s card.

    Jn July 15, Dani­la Polyan­s­ki is in the deten­tion cen­ter.

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