The Ministry of Information Disabled Access to ‘Belarusian Partisan’ Social and Political Web-site for the Alleged Publication of ‘Banned Information’
The Ministry of Information of Belarus released a statement on December 16, 2017: “Basing on article 51, paragraph 1.2 sub-paragraph 1 of Belarus Law ‘On Mass Media’ and following an audit of implementation of media legislation, there has been taken a decision to restrict access to the news resource”.
“In my opinion, the disabling of access without a court decision shows the restrictive character of legislation and the misuse of power on the part of the Ministry of Information”, noted Andrei Bastunets, BAJ Chairperson. — “I believe that the banning of ‘Belarusian Partisan’ Web-site violates the principles of freedom of speech”, — he added.
It is worth mentioning that the Belarusian Partisan owners decided to register a mirror Web-site in the Belarusian domain zone The public access to the Belarusian mirror Web-resource is open for the time being.