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  • The Court Sent Back the Case against Andrei Koziel for Revision. The Beaten Journalist Released from Custody

    Andrei Koziel, a freelance journalist, cooperating with Belsat TV, was put on trial for the alleged disobedience to the police on February 19, 2018. Andrus Kozel was an observer from a candidate for deputy Mikalai Kazlou. The reporter had spent a night at the pre-trial detention centre in Minsk.

    As a result of the court ses­sion, the judge Ivan Kast­sian ruled to send back the case against the jour­nal­ist for revi­sion and release the reporter from cus­tody.

    It should be remind­ed that Andrei Koziel was beat­en for stream­ing from a polling sta­tion dur­ing the local elec­tions in Min­sk on the vot­ing day of Feb­ru­ary 18, 2018. Report­ed­ly, the police attacked the observ­er and broke a glass door with his head. Andrei was bleed­ing. How­ev­er, he was denied med­ical assis­tance and tak­en to cus­tody.

    Fol­low­ing the inci­dent, Andrei Koziel is plan­ning to take a record of bod­i­ly injuries and appeal against the actions of police offi­cers.

    The jour­nal­ist believes it is a good sign that the case has been sent back for revi­sion, since he is con­vinced that none of signs of cor­pus delic­ti could be found in his actions.

    Speak­ing as a wit­ness, the police­man Uladzis­lau Bushyn­s­ki stat­ed in court that Andrei Koziel ‘pre­vent­ed repeat­ed­ly the com­mit­tee from count­ing votes, since he was film­ing the com­mit­tee’.

    The policeman Uladzislau Bushynski

    Respond­ing to the attorney’s inquiry, Uladz­imir Bushyn­s­ki not­ed that he didn’t know the elec­tion leg­is­la­tion and ful­filled the demands, voiced by the Chair­man of the local elec­tion com­mit­tee.

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