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  • Currently there are 2 journalists in custody

    On Friday, 14 August, during a meeting with the Ministry of Information BAJ handed over the lists of detained journalists and insisted on their release. Recently, the majority of the detained and arrested journalists were released. However, the sentences that had been pronounced to them were not canceled, and they might be sent back to jail to serve their jail terms any time.

    Cur­rent­ly there are 2 jour­nal­ists in cus­tody. 

    Also the mem­ber of the BAJ blog­ger Andrei Pauk there is in cus­tody.

    Besides that, about ten blog­gers and Telegram chan­nels admin­is­tra­tors, detained before the Elec­tion Day, are still kept in jail.

    PA «BAJ» is aware of the 69 cas­es of jour­nal­ists being detained since 9 August. 36 of them were beat­en and injured. In par­tic­u­lar, 2 jour­nal­ists were wound­ed Natalia Lub­neuskaya of NN.BY was wound­ed by a rub­ber bul­let in the leg on August 10, and Emi­lie van Out­eren was injured in the thigh with an unknown shell while cov­er­ing protests on August 9.

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