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  • Detention of BelaPAN director general extended by two more months

     The detention of BelaPAN Director General Iryna Lieŭšyna has been extended by two more months, according to her daughter, Hanna.Dzmitryj Navažylaŭ, BelaPAN’s former director general, is likely to have had his detention extended, too.

    Ms. Lieŭšy­na and Mr. Navažy­laŭ were ear­li­er charged with tax eva­sion under Part Two of the Crim­i­nal Code’s Arti­cle 243.

    The Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee of Belarus announced on August 27 that it had opened a tax eva­sion case against Ms. Lieŭšy­na and Mr. Navažy­laŭ, as well as against for­mer Deputy Direc­tor Gen­er­al Andrej Ali­ak­san­draŭ, and “oth­er per­sons.”

    The crim­i­nal case was opened under Part Two of the Crim­i­nal Code’s Arti­cle 243, which penal­izes tax eva­sion “result­ing in large-scale dam­age” and car­ries a max­i­mum penal­ty of sev­en years in prison.

    The agency said that the exec­u­tives had “know­ing­ly” fal­si­fied infor­ma­tion in tax doc­u­ments in June 2018-Jan­u­ary 2021, evad­ing more than 100,000 rubels in tax­es.

    Mr. Ali­ak­san­draŭ was arrest­ed this past Jan­u­ary. He was ini­tial­ly charged with financ­ing mass dis­or­der for alleged­ly help­ing pro­test­ers pay court-imposed fines. He was lat­er charged with high trea­son.

    Mr. Navažy­laŭ, Ms. Lieŭšy­na and Bela­PAN accoun­tant Kacia­ry­na Boje­va were arrest­ed on August 18. On the same day, law enforce­ment offi­cers raid­ed BelaPAN’s office and seized the company’s servers, mak­ing its web­site inac­ces­si­ble.

    Ms. Boje­va was released on August 28.

    In June 2018, the State Con­trol Com­mit­tee opened a tax eva­sion case against Bela­PAN founder and then Direc­tor Gen­er­al Alieś Lipaj. The case was dropped short­ly after he died in August 2018.

    Mr. Navažy­laŭ had served as BelaPAN’s direc­tor gen­er­al since June 2018 before resign­ing from the posi­tion and leav­ing the com­pa­ny in Jan­u­ary 2021. Ms. Lieŭšy­na took over as direc­tor gen­er­al on Jan­u­ary 18, 2021.

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