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  • Ekho Moskvy, One Of Russia’s Last Independent Broadcasters, Closes Amid Government Crackdown

    Ekho Moskvy, an independent Russian media outlet critical of the Kremlin, has decided to close amid moves by the government to restrict its outreach.

    Ekho Moskvy chief Alek­sei Venedik­tov gives an inter­view at the radio sta­tion’s office in Moscow in 2019.

    «By a major­i­ty vote of the board of direc­tors of Ekho Moskvy, a deci­sion was made to liq­ui­date the radio chan­nel and the web­site of Ekho Moskvy,» the broad­cast­er, one of the few remain­ing inde­pen­dent media out­lets in Rus­sia, said in a state­ment on Telegram.

    The move comes after the Pros­e­cu­tor-Gen­er­al’s Office took the Ekho Moskvy radio sta­tion off the air for broad­cast­ing what the author­i­ties called infor­ma­tion «call­ing for extrem­ist activ­i­ties, vio­lence, and pre­med­i­tat­ed false infor­ma­tion» about Rus­si­a’s inva­sion of Ukraine.

    Anoth­er inde­pen­dent broad­cast­er, tele­vi­sion chan­nel Dozhd TV, announced on March 1 that its web­site was blocked in Rus­sia by order of the Pros­e­cu­tor-Gen­er­al’s Office amid a harsh crack­down by author­i­ties on inde­pen­dent media out­lets.

    Ekho Moskvy first aired on August 22, 1990, in Moscow. Before the war with Ukraine, the radio sta­tion was tak­en off the air only once, dur­ing the State Com­mit­tee for the Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion coup in 1991.

    Nation­al media watch­dog Roskom­nad­zor has warned media across the coun­try that Rus­si­a’s actions in Ukraine can­not be called a «war» or an «inva­sion,» and should instead be referred to as a «spe­cial mil­i­tary oper­a­tion in Ukraine.»

    The media reg­u­la­tor on Feb­ru­ary 28 blocked Cur­rent Time and the Crimea.Realities project of RFE/RL’s Ukrain­ian Ser­vice for refus­ing to delete their reports about the war in Ukraine.

    On March 2, the edi­to­r­i­al offices of RFE/RL’s Russ­ian Ser­vice received six noti­fi­ca­tions from Roskom­nad­zor late on March 2 in which the Russ­ian media-mon­i­tor­ing agency threat­ened to block the ser­vice’s web­site amid ongo­ing cov­er­age of the con­flict in Ukraine.

    RFE/RL last week reject­ed Roskom­nad­zor’s threat to block its Cur­rent Time web­site in Rus­sia unless it delet­ed infor­ma­tion about the inva­sion.

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